




脸谱介绍(Introduction of Peking opera mask



    Peking opera mask is the quintessence of China. It was formed between year 550 and 577, citizen of Qi country wearing mask with a song and choreographer began first Beijing Opera “The Song of The King of Lanling”. The Tang Dynasty developed this into a “Da Mian”. The Ming Dynasty developed into a Nuo opera with Guizhou local feature. The Song and Ming Dynasties began to paint on face of the actors themselves. Qianlong of Qing Dynasty exaggerated lines and colors of facial painting, evolved into Peking Opera. 

     Peking opera mask is an exaggerated art. The colors of the painted face are colorful and each color represents a different personality trait, including red, black, white, purple, pink, yellow, gold, silver, green and blue. There are also many types of Peking opera mask. The types of characters are basically based on their personality and temperament. It summarized as whole face (Zhenglian), old face (Laolian), three tiles (Sankuaiwa), cross-faced face (Shizimenlian), crushed face (Suilian), crooked face (Wailian), broken face (Polian), imagination face (Yixianglian) and pink white face (Fenbaijianlian). There are 9 types of Facial Painting.






In painting five masks, which is Lian Po, Liu Tang, Li Jing, Ku Shen and Zhou Chu. Lian Po has a pink six-pointed face, indicating that he was a loyal and veteran general of Zhao Country in the late Warring States period; Liu Tang has a blue cross face, indicating that he is a strong and sinister hero and general in story of "Shui Hu"; Li Jing is a red three-tile face, indicating that he is a loyal and chivalrous god in "Journey to the West". In addition, he has a golden halberd shape in the middle of his forehead, which means "good luck"; Kushen is a green three tiles face and a money symbol on his forehead. His image indicates that Kushen is a green forest hero who guards the treasury; Lastly, Zhou Chu has a broken face in red and pink, indicating that he is doing good deeds when he is old. So, he has become a man of not high status.


  1. 首先非常感谢凌娜同学对脸谱的形成与种类的介绍,让我对脸谱艺术有了深入的了解。实不相瞒,对于廉颇、刘唐、李靖、库神与周处这五个人物,我是从未听说过的。我觉得凌娜同学你对这五个人物的脸谱作了非常详尽的讲解与鉴赏,除了让我体会到色彩在脸谱的意义,凌娜同学你对每个作品的脸部细节也琢磨得十分仔细,不禁让我感受到每张脸上的细节美。我也体会到,每个脸部特征都是每张脸岁月的印记,当这些印记化作绘画,都形成了独有的特色,所以每一张脸都是美丽的!

  2. 凌娜同学你好。一直认为脸谱的外观狰狞恐怖,直到读了青铜饕餮我才恍然大悟,“美”是可以源于“恶”的,“恶”也是可以“美”的。同学制作的脸谱,色彩缤纷鲜艳,线条流畅凌厉,表情威严厚重,制作精美,我尤其喜欢《浔阳楼》的刘唐。我对这个人物不是很了解,但从同学作品的刻画中看到他既刚强又阴险。作为一名英雄,他理应是正面的,但同时他也有阴暗面,这种矛盾的刻画真实地触动了我。通过同学的呈堂,我知道色彩、线条,甚至是表情背后都有各自蕴含的精神和意义。当看到脸谱从无到有,从简到繁时,我突然有所感悟,这一张张性情分明的脸谱,何尝不是古人心灵的真面目。脸谱上的每一抹色彩,每一丝线条,皆是对人生百态的谱画。


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