




中国结的介绍Introduction of Chinese Knot


    Phrase about the origin of the Chinese knot, it can be traced back as early as the end of the Palaeolithic age. In the cultural relics of the cave people, the existence of " spicule " was found. Since there is a needle, there must be a rope at that time, so it is inferred that the simple rope knotting and sewing technique should have taken shape at that time. The Chinese knot was the predecessor of writing in the early days. First is The Book of Changes of the Zhou Dynasty which said: " People in the ancient century used knots to record events, and people in later centuries adopted writing to record events for convenience. "

    Zheng Xuan Zhouyi also annotated; " Big events are recorded with big knots, and small events are recorded with small knots. " Also, for the shape of knots can be seen on the bronzes’ numbers and symbols of the Warring States period. Judging from these historical data, Chinese knots have indeed had been used as a tool to assist memories, and can be said to be the predecessor of words. In summary, Chinese knot was originally a knotting of garments in the Paleolithic age, and then extended to the ritual memorabilia of the Han Dynasty, finally revolved into today's decorative craftsmanship.



1.发簪结 (Chinese Hairpin Knot)

绳结如女生的发簪 。在古代,发髻()被称作),指用来固定和装饰头发的一种首饰。古代的男子送女子发簪,主要有以下三方面含义,第一、男子希望与女子成为结发夫妻;第二、男子用发簪作为女子成年礼礼物;第三、男子表达对女子才艺的欣赏。

The knot is like a female's hairpin. In ancient times, the hair bun, “发髻was called "" (jī). It is a type of jewellery which used to set and decorate the hair. In ancient times, when a man gave woman a hairpin, which mainly had the following three meanings. First, the man wanted to marry with the woman. Second, a man used hairpins as gifts for woman’s adulthood. Third, a man expressed the appreciation for woman’s talents

2.祥云结 Xiang Yun Knot


The meaning is good luck and good fortune. The "cloud" of auspicious cloud knot refers to not only the seat of heaven or the gods, but also the cloud can make rain to nourish all things and benefit the earth. The auspicious cloud pattern is widely used in various auspicious patterns, and it has a continuous meaning. The auspicious cloud knot is also a metaphor for auspicious clouds and surging aura. Cloud(云)云 and luck(运) have the same different sound, such as the appearance of bats flying in the clouds is called good luck. It has a symbol of auspiciousness and harmony.

3.吉祥结Auspicious knot


The meaning is good luck, wealth and peace. Lucky knot, also known as Chinese knot, is an ancient traditional hand-woven craft. Auspicious knot often appears on Chinese monks' costumes and temple decorations. It is an ancient knot that is regarded as auspicious, hence the name " Auspicious knot". Auspicious knot is a popular kind of knot in Chinese knots. " Ji ()" is good and beneficial, such as good luck. "Xiang () " means blessing and kindness. The Book of Changes said: "Change clouds are auspicious things." It can be seen that the two characters auspicious are the words of blessing, which represents carefulness, glorious, and lucks.

    中国结, 它身上所显示的情致与智慧正是中华古老文明中的一个侧面。它是人类世代托结的寓意, 在汉语中, 许多具有向心性聚体的要事几乎都用字作喻以及其变化来体现的。字是一个表示力量、和谐,充满情感的字眼,无论是结合、结交、结缘、团结、结果,还是结发夫妻、永结同心,给人都是一种团圆、亲密、温馨的美感。就是人类永恒的追求主题,绳结这种具有生命力的民间技艺也就自然作为中国传统文化的精髓,兴盛长远规划,流传至今。中国结不止是普通的绳结,它也是寄托着他人的思念、祝福与美好的含义。

    The Chinese knot, which the sentiment and wisdom displayed in is just one aspect of the ancient Chinese civilization. It is the implied meaning of generations of human beings. In Chinese, many important things with centripetal aggregates are almost used as a metaphor for "jie ()". The change of the knot is reflected. The word "knot ()" is a word that expresses strength, harmony, and emotion. Whether it is bonding, making friends, forming a relationship, unity, result, or making a couple, forever to be in one heart, "knot" is a kind of reunion, intimacy and warm. "ji ()" is the eternal pursuit theme of mankind. The vital folk art of "knot" is naturally the essence of Chinese traditional culture, prospering and long-term planning, and it has been passed down to this day. The Chinese knot is not an ordinary knot, it also entrusts one's own thoughts, blessings and beautiful insights.


  1. 敏嘉你好!我特别喜欢你所呈现的祥云结,不只是因为它寓意着吉祥,它呈现的效果与其他的中国结不一样,看起来较为蓬松,绳之间缠绕的规律也很疗愈。

  2. 敏嘉同学您好,从你的视频中我了解了中国的起源是那么久远的。原来结绳是那么有意义的,还是一种文明的象征。看着刚才的视频,感觉结绳好像是一门学问,需要一步一步来完成,按部就班,不可以一步登天,过程错了就会要重新来过十分不容易,要投入很多精力来完成一幅结绳。感谢敏嘉同学为我们带来这一门艺术让我们感受一下中华的文明起步以及文化都传承。

  3. 敏嘉同学好。通过你的讲解我才知道,原来在日常常看见的中国结除了装饰以外其实是有它自己的意思的。例如你所制作的发簪结就有了3个意思。我也通过你所制作的中国结中看到,听起来很简单的中国结其实在制作起来是非常需要小心的,因为一个不小心穿错了没发现到,整个结就得重新来过。

  4. 敏嘉你好!我们不得不佩服古人的智慧利用一根红绳、编制缠绕托结寓意,结下缘分。在你视频中我特别喜欢你所呈现的发簪结,发簪结的形状很像一朵云彩非常特别与我想象中的发簪完全不同。

  5. 敏嘉你好。感谢你分享了有关中国结的历史来源。每到农历新年,我们就会发现许多商城和商店都会以中国结装饰和设计其场景,可见中华民族对中国结有着深厚的寄托和意义。此外我也体会到你在编织中国结时的用心和真诚,感谢你为我们带来如此精彩的分享。

  6. 敏嘉同学你好,谢谢你的分享。你的视频让我对中国结有了更进一步的认识,且从整个视频可看出敏嘉同学对于中国结下了不少功夫,方可为大家呈现出这么精彩的演说。我也认同中国结不只是普通的绳结,它具有寄托着他人的思念、祝福与美好的含义,更重要的是它寄托着结绳者的心意。

  7. 敏嘉同学你好!通过你对中国结的介绍,我才知道原来中国结是文字的前身啊!我觉得敏嘉你以《托结寓意》作为主题真的非常贴切,通过你介绍的发簪结、祥云结和吉祥结,我真的深深地体会到这看起来简单的绳子除了美观精致,其包含的寓意却是如此深刻,这内涵丰富的手工艺品真是中华古老文明的智慧。此外,可见敏嘉你的编制手法纯熟,想必是练习千万次了吧!你的视频详细地展现了制作步骤,我也不知觉地找起绳子来结了!


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