




竹笛介绍(Introduction of Bamboo Flute




The flute is a traditional Chinese musical instrument. Bamboo Flute is made from natural bamboo. The bamboo flute is played horizontally and is an open wind instrument. The flute was originally made from animal bones. The bamboo flute appeared about four to five thousand years ago and has been passed down until today. The bamboo flute is made from a single piece of empty bamboo. The holes on the flute can be divided into embouchure, membrane holes, finger holes, fundamental sound holes, and consonant holes. There are also inlaid heads on both ends of the flute body, and a lot of binding wire wrapped around the flute body to protect the flute from splitting.

Bamboo flutes usually have C, D, E, F, G, A, B, seven tones. The different tones of bamboo flutes are suitable for playing different music with different tones. There are two methods that will be used while playing the bamboo flute to produce notes of different scales, which are using gentle breath and strong breath.

The sound of the flute is very clear. It can be either thick and round, or ethereal and peaceful. Music played by the bamboo flute is very melodious, penetrating, and touching.





      "Big Fish" is a song which full with Chinese classical beauty, tactfully and melodiously, with a lingering sound, while the beauty of music and the beauty of the rhythm are amazing. The main song seems to be telling a story and revealing some gloomy mood. The chorus part fully demonstrates the ambivalence of reluctance. The chorus's voice rises gradually, ups and downs, sometimes enthusiastically, sometimes tactfully and melodiously, expressing the emotions of contradiction and reluctance. But in the end of the chorus part, the tune gradually returned to calm, bringing out relief and fulfill feeling. Playing this song with the bamboo flute is very suitable. The sound of the flute is crisp and melodious, and full of roundness. This allow the listeners to understand the story behind the music, and the feeling of ambivalence that is reluctant.          

Besides, the "A Plum Blossom" has also follows the style of Chinese music. The original key is G, and I played the music with D key’s bamboo flute with the fingering that make the flute sound RE. With D key’s bamboo flute can highlight the sad mood in the song. The part of the main song is an affectionate narration, expressing the sad emotions. Then, the rhythm for chorus is faster than the main song, with a very large range span of beginning. This arrangement highlights the passionate melody of the chorus, and brings the tune into a climax. Playing "A Plum Blossom" with a bamboo flute can perfectly express the emotions of sorrow, the constant separation and chaos, and other emotions, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and resonating with the listener.

Playing the bamboo flute is not something that you can learn overnight. It requires a full understanding on the fingering and a full mastery of gentle and strong blowing, in order to play a piece of music. Thus, we can’t give up the sound of nature sounded from ancient times where the bamboo flute had been passed down to this day just because of a small failure.


  1. 慧琪你好!两首曲子都吹得婉转悠扬,余味无穷,让人沉浸在美妙的笛声中,非常悦耳舒心。每个音符、每个音节准确的卡在节奏点上,灌注了满满的情感。听完《大雨》,感觉自己仿佛飞到了大海与星空交界处。另外,慧琪也在两首曲子都附上歌词字幕,让我不知觉地跟着笛声唱了起来。希望有机会能听你现场吹奏!

  2. 慧琪你好!看了竹笛介绍,才了解到原来笛子起初是由动物的骨头所制成的,让我有所见闻。吹笛非常考验我们的肺活量,否则音韵、音律等都会走调。两首曲子都是经典曲子,慧琪也很细心地附上歌词,让我忍不住的随着你的笛声唱起来~希望有机会能听到你吹奏更多的曲子~

  3. 慧琪你好!经过你用竹笛对《大鱼》及《一剪梅》这两首歌的诠释,让我感受到了这两首歌的另一种“美”。《大鱼》这首歌本身就是即古典又感情丰富的一首歌,经过你的诠释后,我认为这首歌有一种即空灵又广阔的感觉。也许这就是中国古典乐器的魅力,竹笛声悠扬、响亮,思绪随即出现那古时候的青山绿水,又是哪个诗人在河边诉衷情?

  4. 慧琪你好!如你语录,清脆悠扬笛声起,万般情殇心中溢非常喜欢你演奏的两首曲子,演奏出的音节、节奏和音色的掌握都非常准确中气十足非常好听让我感受到曲子的意境。

  5. 慧琪同学,你好!初学笛子的你就能完整吹出两首曲子,对此我十分敬佩!而我在听之余,也能陶醉在那美妙的笛声中,尤其当你在吹奏《一剪梅》副歌时,副歌的音符较多、较快,较密集,有着连接性,绝对不是那么轻易能掌握的。但从你的吹奏中,我想你必定花了许多时间去练习,方能自信地吹奏出。

  6. 慧琪你好,我非常喜欢你所演奏的《一剪梅》曲目。《一剪梅》作为现代一首经典歌曲从笛声传出令人顿时毛骨悚然,有所感触。整首曲的节奏井然有序、快慢适中、优雅温和,使整首歌的情感表现得淋漓尽致,令人从笛声感受到表演者浓厚的深情之感。

  7. 慧琪同学你好,通过你对竹笛的讲解,才知道原来竹笛早在石器时期前就已初步成型,也就是使用动物骨骼所制成,但是用于诱捕猎物的,后期才慢慢演变成了乐器,实在有趣。此外,你以竹笛演奏的《大鱼》和《一剪梅》让我听出耳油,两首歌曲都属于中国古典音乐美的曲子且都带有忧愁、哀伤等情绪。通过你缓缓的笛声,我也能重温二曲,感恩不尽。

  8. 慧琪同学你好!分享感谢你带来如此精彩的竹笛表演。对于未曾接触过竹笛的我来说,你所表演的竹笛曲目恰好诠释出了你的语录,即“脆悠扬笛声起,万般情殇心中溢”。随着音律的高低、轻重等,展现出仿佛画面版的场景。聆听着缓慢且悠扬的笛声,缓缓地体会演奏者和曲目所要表达的情感。此外,我也非常喜欢你用D调演奏出G调的《一剪梅》,展现出不一样的感觉。通过你的表演,让我了解到了演奏竹笛不仅需要技巧,同时也需要足够的肺活量。希望之后有机会听到现场演奏的版本!


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