




书法介绍Introduction of Calligraphy



        Calligraphy is a traditional art of writing Chinese characters. The usual styles of calligraphy include seal, official, regular, cursive, and running scripts. Instruments used for calligraphy are called “Scholar’s four treasures”, namely, writing brush, ink stick, paper, and ink slab. Calligraphy is also known as “poems without words”, “painting without pictures”, “dance without lines”, “music without sound”. After centuries of creation and evolvement, calligraphy has become a unique art.

There have been many famous calligraphers in the history of China, such as Wang Xizhi, Ouyang Xun, Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan, Zhao Mengfu, and more. Each of them has formed a unique calligraphic style and genre after years of hard practice. These raise the profile of calligraphy art to a high level in China.

隶书Official Script


       The “official” script was popularly used in the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. - 220 A.D.), evolved from the seal script. At that time, the “official” script changed gradually from round stroke to square and fold stroke, the shape of the characters changed from round to square, lines turn bent to straight, making the writing speed faster and more convenient. During the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 - 220 A.D.), the “official” script developed many writing styles and left a lot of inscriptions. “Stele of Zhang Qian”, “Stele of Cao Quan” and “Stele of Li Qi” are the representatives of this period.








“Brushes under the inscription, travels in thousands poses”. In the process of imitating “Stele of Li Qi”, I experienced a wonderful journey.

“Stele of Li Qi” was inscribed in 156 A.D. during the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was praised as the most important rubbing in the “official” script. The style of the calligraphy is fine and vigorous, strict and austere, square and elegans. The strokes show strictness and steepness within evenness.

There are a lot of characters in the “Stele of Li Qi”. Before imitating, we should read the rubbing carefully and all over to understand its textures, style, and characteristics. Generally, a work of art mainly has a style. Although some adjustments, balancing purposes, and styles were added, it is still unitary overall. However, although the “Stele of Li Qi” looks neat and rigorous, it is ever-changing when we observe carefully. These changes not only not affect the square and dignified appearance, but also show the rigor in accordance within richness and variety. It also contains aesthetic elements such as thick and round brushwork, showing an all-encompassing and full of vitality.

There are no words unchanged on this inscription. The brushwork in the full text is spirited and ethereal, every stroke travels naturally and interestingly. We don’t have to stick to the so-called correctness and neatness of calligraphy when we imitate. This is because the author deliberately designed different sizes, shapes, and writing styles of the fonts to make these characters appear inconsistently, breaking the horizontal and vertical writing specifications of the past.

“Stele of Li Qi” uses both square and round pens, mainly with square pens, occasionally with round pens; the structure is dignified and condensed, beautiful and elegant; the strokes are thin and fortitude, turning points are more squared, and the right-falling strokes are thick and strong. Although there are many fine brushes in the strokes, still they are bold and energetic, there is no lack of solemn and simple ink-joy. The front part of “Stele of Li Qi” is dignified, chapters are arranged vertically and horizontally in order, with wide word spacing, tight line spacing, which fully demonstrates the overall characteristics of harmony, dignity, and beauty. Therefore, I chose to imitate the front part of “Stele of Li Qi”, wishing to enjoy its exquisite brushwork and rigorous structure. During the process of imitating, brushes enriched with lift and press, lines travel lively, written with patchy structure, full of writing function and strong lyricism. Move with your heart, happen naturally, lively and coquettish, appeal wonderfully.

Most of the inscriptions in the Eastern Han Dynasty have fascinating and peculiar charms, which are very different from each other, showing the romanticism and elegant rhyme of calligraphy’s brushwork. Let's get into the classics deeply, study the rubbings, elucidate instead, add on disposition, starting from the tip of the brush, experience the beauty of calligraphy, having a “fantastic ink journey” together!


  1. 秀乐你好!透过你的分享,让我对隶书有更深一层的认识。隶书是中国书法艺术的一大渊薮,隶书也有着鲜明的艺术个性。从你的作品中,我觉得你写得很棒,字体清新秀逸,笔画、章法布列均衡,意趣生动,变化丰富而各尽其妙。

  2. 秀乐你好!感谢你对隶书的分享。我认为《礼器碑》的书风端庄且细腻,非常考验笔法。尤其是其中的尾部尖挑,让字体看起来尖锐方正,相信这个笔法并不容易在一时之间达到线条顺畅的程度。

  3. 秀乐同学的临摹非常贴合隶书的风格,其中我最喜欢的便是它方折的形态和粗壮的捺画,使得它有了自己独特的美,但又不失端庄,整齐。粗壮的捺画着实让我感受到一种力量感,一种气势。

  4. 秀乐你好!通过你的视频分享让我对隶书的理解更加的深厚。你在视频中所解释的东西也相当的仔细和清楚。书法具有实用与艺术的性质,看了你的书法后我非常佩服你写的那么好看通过你的视频的确让我感受到了其墨旅程。

  5. 秀乐你好,透过你的分享,我对隶书有了一些认知和了解。书法是中华艺术其中一个门类是让人修身养性,需要安静自己的心,心平气和的情况下才能写得一手好字。你的临摹《礼器碑》对于隶书小白的我非常惊艳,每个字都很整齐规整,在墨的浓淡方面拿捏得刚好,墨水颜色均匀,洇化自然。

  6. 秀乐你好,通过你的分享让我理解到了隶书书法。我认为隶书书法十分考验书写人的笔法,这是因为得时时刻刻保持字的面貌以及形状大小。秀乐所临摹《礼器碑》整齐端庄,让人看得赏心悦目。

  7. 秀乐同学你好,谢谢你的分享让我感受到隶书的“美”。你在影片里更是详细地为我们讲解了隶书的波磔是与字的笔画有关联的,笔画越少,捺笔和波磔就会重一点。在方笔、圆笔、变连为断的特点、章法的变化上你都有通过自己所写的隶书细细讲解,让我这个门外汉对隶书有了一定的认识。从你的分享中也可以看出你的是一个细心的人,才能写出这样的好字。

  8. 秀乐你好。谢谢你的分享,我也对隶书多了些认知。你的字体端正,铿锵有力,要练好书法不容易,对书法的知识也很重要。因此,从你的分享可以看到你的用心和耐心,这是值得我去学习的。

  9. 秀乐同学,你好。从你临摹的《礼器碑》,能深刻体会隶书之“美”。你的字体遒劲有力,端端正正,临摹得可谓非常之传神。隶书的波磔与字的笔画息息相关,皆在你临摹的作品可见你对笔画、捺笔以及波磔编排恰到好处,面面俱到。


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