





南棍介绍(Introduction of Southern Stick


The Southern Stick is a weapon set that evolved from the Southern Fist. Southern Fist, also known as Southern Boxing, refers to the martial arts schools formed in southern China, especially in Fujian and Guangdong, popular around the time in late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Therefore, the Southern Stick refers to the stick technique of the southern generation of China. The movements of Southern Stick Competition Set is based on the absorption of the essence of the Plum Blossom Stick, the Qi Mei Stick of Wing Chun, the Cross Stick of Hung Gar Kung Fu and other southern stick styles. In the fifth year of Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing army massacred the supporters of the Southern Ming in the area from central to southern Fujian, namely Putian, Fuqing and Yongchun. Therefore, Hongmen Kung Fu along the central Fujian. So there is a legend that refers to the Hongmen period of Zheng Cheng Gong (a military general in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties), who sent five senior generals into various parts of southern China, opened mountains and established halls, collected a wide range of anti-Qing volunteers, and began teaching boxing and the use of weapons, which eventually developed into several schools of southern martial arts. This included the Southern Stick Technique.


            The stick used in the Southern Stick is a single-ended stick, which means that the upper end of the stick is thinner while the lower end of the stick is thicker. The central part of the stick is called the body of stick, the upper end of the stick is called the tip of stick, and the lower end of the stick is called the handle. Then the most basic way to hold a stick in a Southern Stick is to hold the body of the stick with one hand and the handle with the other, with both hands working together to control the force, movement and direction.



       The movements and stances of the Southern Stick cover a variety of Southern Stick techniques and are complemented by the various steps of the Southern Fist. The Southern Stick is characterized by its strength and power, and its movement is to promote the force with “Qi”, forceful and vocal, you can see that the Southern Stick is very majestic. The overall style of the Southern Stick is less jumping and more step type footwork, less fancy and focus on attack and defense and the combination of “Qi” and force. Therefore, here you can see that the Southern Stick is played mainly with a low center of gravity and based on stable.


The reason I chose this Chinese Art is because I love martial arts. I have always been deeply influenced by Kung Fu movies since I was a kid, and this has led me to become obsessed with Chinese martial arts. During my high school years, I started to join the school's martial arts class to receive training. At that specific time, I am not suitable for jumping because of obesity, so my coach told me to focus on Southern Fist, “NanDao” and Southern Stick, which are mainly stable. In completing this coursework, I discovered that the Southern Stick not only embodies the characteristics of power, fierceness, flexibility and steel, but it also embodies the artistic beauty of Chinese culture. Although the process of retraining was not easy, more importantly, I have recovered my original enthusiasm for martial arts and it has also helped me to strengthen my body and relieve stress in the midst of my busy school schedule.


  1. 棋森同学您好!感谢您的南棍中华艺术。我对中华棍状兵器的知识恐怕只来自于齐天大圣的金箍棒了,因此您所呈现的南棍可谓再为我开阔了中华武术的视野。我所认知的棍法基本上都比较花俏,就像是电影中依赖特效一样。但是您的南棍则呈现了一种反其道而行的形式,并不依赖物理层面上跳跃乘速度所增加的力度,而是以“气”施力。根据您的视频,可观察到马步的重要性,应该是为了放低重心,以求稳,就像中华是大陆社会,靠着地才能有爆发力,也让棍的直线挥舞起来,阳刚而具魅力。

  2. 凌厉、威武,都是最直接的感受。就如展示者所说,南棍由南拳拳法中演变而来,而南方拳术与北方拳术最大的差别在于南拳讲求气势,因此在拳术套路中常常可见武者的怒吼;而北拳则是讲求大开大合的展臂。在展示影片中,展示者所展现的棍术刚强稳重,步形步法标准,加上声声怒吼,实属展现出了南方拳术的威武之势!

  3. 棋森同学你好,“南棍”这个词从未在我的生活中出现过,所以我对它的认知几乎为零。通过观赏你的视频,可以得知南棍其实是在各路南派棍法的精华基础上编定而成,所以其动作和格式相对较多。另外,在表演方面,你舞动南棍时威猛有力、气势雄伟,再搭配那铿锵有力的怒吼声,会不由自主的让人产生一种敬佩的感觉!

  4. 棋森你好,透过你的讲解,我对于南棍有更多的认识与了解。透过你的表演,我感受到了南棍“威、猛、柔、钢”的特点,每个拳术套路都展现雄伟的气势,尤其是你的“怒吼”让我印象深刻。另外,扎马步让我觉得非常考验耐力和体力。所谓“台上十分钟,台下十年功”,想必这是扎实刻苦训练出来的成果。

  5. 棋森你好,感谢你的分享。从你竞赛南棍的表演中可以看出你的气质非凡,整体表演气势汹汹、行云流水、势如破竹,令人不禁感到一股汹涌澎拜的力量正从屏幕穿透出来,震撼了我们所有人。从你的表演中也看出了武术的伟大艺术精髓即刚劲、威猛、有力,呈现了一种威武、勇猛的“美”。

  6. 棋森同学你好。在你所演示的南棍中让我看出了南棍最与长拳棍术的不同,体现出了南棍最主要有的刚劲、威猛、有力。同时也可以从你所演示的每一个动作中,看出了南棍最重要的就是以稳为主,也让我感受到通过南拳中独特的“怒吼”体现出的南棍的气势之处。

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  8. 棋森你好,在语录中你提到了“武动大地”,我认为你在整个竞赛南棍的表演中完美地体现了出来,声声怒吼和力与美结合的棍法,无一表达出了不一定只有“柔”才能诠释艺术美,艺术美是多元的、是抽象和想象的、是“有意味的形式”。在观看你的表演之前我是完全没听过南棍这种武术的,但现在我却非常期待你带来更多棍法的展示!

  9. 棋森同学您好,非常荣幸能够欣赏你的表演。通过你我才了解到中华艺术之精髓,更了解南棍。同学身手敏捷,耍起棍来更是威风凌凌颇有将军之范大将之魄。虽然我对武术不是恨了解,可以看出来同学棍法精湛是练习了很久才有的成果。南棍居然还有不少棍法可以融化广通,以多变制胜。中华武术之美积聚了千年的智慧需要我们慢慢去挖掘。棍法不止可以上阵杀敌保家卫国更可以强身健体。

  10. 棋森你好!你所呈现的南棍武术具有威猛的气势,每个动作的呈现稳重,而且含有威猛的怒吼声,完全能够体现出武术的刚劲热情。虽然我对于南棍的认知并不多,但是透过你的呈现,让我认识到南方棍法的独特之处,每个步法招式的形成,我想也是一种艺术的呈现。


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