

名字 :许雪芳 





Introduction of Chinese Classical Dance


       Chinese classical dance is based on traditional folk dances. It has been refined, processed, sorted, created, and tested over a long period of time. It is a traditional dance that combines the model significance and unique style of each region, country or nation. Chinese classical dance is representative, traditional and exemplary of regional, tradition or national dance. This is because in the process of its formation, it has absorbed many artistic factors of local regions, countries, and nationalities, such as folk dance, sign language, martial arts acrobatics, ancient murals, and sculptures.

  In addition, Chinese classical dance has also received some customs and etiquette, traditional aesthetics and even philosophical thoughts as well as which have undergone changes. This is because classical dance is not immutable, it will develop and change with the development of society and changes in aesthetic tastes.

鉴赏与心得 Appreciation

《归去来兮》Coming Home




The performance of "Coming Home" needs to express the author's inner emotions through the dance moves and emotions of the performer. In addition, performers need to combine dance movements and facial emotional expressions, and fill each other, so that the audience can better understand the image characteristics of the characters and the dance story can be better developed. At the beginning of the performance, the performer entered the master with a sad mood. The feet are "back rubbing the ground", the right hand is the "orchid hand", and the right hand slowly lifts the wrist upwards, which makes people feel the sadness of reluctance and helplessness. This action is a lyrical action that expresses the emotions outlined by memories in the male protagonist's heart through dance and contains feelings that are both reluctant and unforgettable. The whole performance mainly expresses the inner emotions of the male protagonist. The prosperous and bright moon, but the male still alone and only can tell his thoughts to the moon. The performance movements start from calm and slow. With the deepening of the music, the power of the dance moves increases with powerful to express catharsis. mood. The beauty of the whole performance is very deep which is combining rigidity and softness.

In the process of performing exercises, being rigid and sometimes soft is the biggest problem that I was facing. For acting, I feel that I have not achieved the most perfect and standard. But during the performance, I deeply realized the beauty and elegance of Chinese classical dance. Before this, I very like modern dance so much, but after being exposed to Chinese classical dance, I was deeply attracted. No matter how hard the practice process is, I don't regret it and think everything is worth it. In addition, you must ensure that the dance moves are correct during the performance. If an action error occurs during the recording process, it needs to be re-recorded to present a good performance. I am very grateful to my family and friends for their support and help, especially when I need time to record.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my lecturer, Dr. Foo Ai Peng for guiding us through this performance, allowing us to continuously break through ourselves and have a deeper understanding of Chinese art.


  1. 雪芳你好,透过你的讲解,我对中国古典舞的博大精深有更深的了解。你的表演体现出了古典舞“形神兼备”的精神,我感受到了你根据歌曲风格、内容、感觉等来支配舞蹈动作,也就是表达出了不舍悲痛的情怀,而不是程式化地去完成表演。

  2. 雪芳你好,经过你视频的讲解让我明白了,原来古典舞里的每个动作都有其含义的,让我对古典舞更加的理解了。你的演出归去来兮,更是很好的展现了中国古典舞。该舞蹈体现出肢体的神韵之美,动静合一。通过你的演绎,我也能从你的舞蹈动作中感受到的一些情绪如不舍,让我仿佛身临其境。谢谢

  3. 雪芳同学你好,感谢你对古典舞的分享,让我对古典舞更加了解。你的表演非常柔美。你的表演融入了这个歌里。非常吸引。你演绎时非常投入。从一开始的柔、到后面加大力度,可以感觉到你的情绪转变。

  4. 雪芳同学好,从你的舞蹈中,可以感受到你通过舞蹈动作带出了《归去来兮》里这首歌的情感,就是那种忧伤、无奈的情绪,都有在你的舞蹈中体现出来。你在鉴赏过程中对动作的仔细讲解让我对于古典舞动作的同时也让我看到了你对此的认真。最后,我也真的有从你的舞蹈中感受到古典舞的优雅与美,谢谢你带来这么用心的表演。

  5. 雪芳同学你好,感谢你对于中国古典舞的分享!在你的每一个舞姿里,我可以感受到你带着歌曲《归去来兮》中的情感去呈现你的舞蹈。一支优美的舞蹈除了要有曼妙的舞姿之外,还要能表达出歌曲中的情感。我看到了你把依恋与不舍的情绪融入到了你的舞蹈当中,更加令人身临其境。感谢你对于中国古典舞创作的用心,每一个带着刚柔并济的步伐与动作都让我感受到了你的认真。

  6. 雪芳同学,你好。感谢你如此勾人心魂,感人肺腑之表演。舞蹈不应该是一连串动作的堆砌,而应该是一种情绪的输出,一种肢体的表达,一种情感的艺术升华。从你翩然起舞的舞姿当中可见你对《归去来兮》的无可奈何、柔肠百转、依依不舍之情的情绪输出,实是诠释得淋漓尽致,已然入诗画。浅色罗裙缭姿,轻云般曼舞,衣袂飘飞再搭配意境的曲子,瞬间夺人呼吸。舞姿中亦可见你的手势优美雅致,神韵天成,柔美和力量并存,赏心悦目,当如是!

  7. 雪芳同学你好。“歌以咏言,舞以尽意。”同学优柔、曼妙的舞姿,恰恰就是恋恋不舍而又万不得已的情绪最好的抒发。刚柔相济、平流缓进的一舞一动中,是对歌曲舍又不舍,欲散而又不愿散,这种反复、矛盾的情感的流露和递进。“一夜清欢”,一个转身,舍又如何,不舍又如何,终究随着舞蹈的律动褪尽。


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