
 剪百味  刻希望



语录:一剪信仰一希望  一刻浮生一刹那





What is a paper-cutting

Paper cutting is a kind of traditional folk art of cutting various patterns on paper with scissors or carving knife. Although paper was invented in the Western Han Dynasty, before that, paper did not appear, but people at that decade used thin sheet material leather or even cut patterns on leaves to make handicrafts through hollow carving techniques. This has leaded a certain foundation for the formation of paper-cut. At early decade, the earliest paper-cut works found in China with verifiable evidence are five paper-cuts of the Northern Dynasty group flowers unearthed near the Huoyanshan mountain in Turpan, Xinjiang. Paper-cutting developed greatly in the Tang Dynasty. At that time, it was popular among the people to make a carving made of paper or gold and silver foil. In ancient times, people would paste the carving on screens and doors in order to obtain good weather and happiness. During the Song Dynasty, Yu Jing Zhi, the first paper-cut artist in historical records, also appeared as a professional paper-cut artist. The heyday of paper-cutting was in the Ming and Qing Dynasties when paper-cutting became a national art and was widely used in the court. Besides being purely decorative, paper-cutting also covered different meanings in different themes, such as representing feelings of salute, representing good luck, wishing a good life or dispelling disasters and evil spirits for good fortune. 



Next, I will show you four kinds of paper-cuts and understand their meaning.

抓髻娃娃Zhua Jidoll


What I have cut is a standard female "Zhua Ji” doll with a pair of birds or chickens standing on its head and hands outstretched or raised upward, in a state of catching birds. The image of the bird embodies some profound cultural connotation of totem worship, which can be classified as a kind of bird spirit worship, almost as old as sun worship. Therefore, in primitive human thinking, the birds on the head and hands of the “Zhua Ji” dolls symbolized the sun, which could disperse the long night. Therefore, this kind of “Zhua Ji”dolls had witchcraft functions such as driving away ghosts, inducing spirits and sending diseases.

葫芦剪纸Calabash paper-cut


The homonym of calabash is Fu lu, and its branches and stems are called man dai, which is homonym for thousands of generations. Therefore, Calabash

 Branches homonym is fulu mandai “福禄万代”. In the middle of calabash, there is a word of longevity“寿”, so it can also be called Fulu And Longevity, which also symbolizes happiness, geely and longevity.


双鱼灯笼剪纸 Fish lanterns paper-cut


The lantern body is two magnificent big fish, its dorsal fin for two decorated with the word safety “平安”of the two sailboats. In the middle of the fish have “年年有鱼”four words , with the meaning of abundance in the next year.Second, the lamp base is composed of gold and copper coins, meaning the four seasons (four copper coins) are rich, the end of the year “Yuan Bao” come.

石榴娃 Pomegranate Baby


This paper cut with the shape of a big red pomegranate as the theme of paper cut. Four corners from the middle clockwise respectively decorated with birdsgoldfish lotus and early birth of a noble son“早生贵子” four words. The pomegranate skin turned out like the limbs of the doll, and the round part of the pomegranate seeds is just like the doll's belly pocket. The most interesting in these florets is resemble baby little hand and small foot. When the people get married that often place it in bridal chamber desk, in order to express the pray that gives birth to your child early.


  1. 凤凤同学好,我认为剪纸是非常有内涵的艺术。古时候的人在喜庆的日子里都会剪纸装饰自己的家门或屏风上,这艺术着实有着浓厚的美好寓意。透过你的视频讲解,我对剪纸这门艺术感到更有兴趣了。你的剪纸作品——《双鱼灯笼剪纸》是我最喜欢的作品之一,因为鱼鳞部分的剪纸看起来很细致、复杂又精美。

  2. 凤凤同学好。剪纸听起来很容易但是在看了你的讲解及制作过程后我才发现到剪纸其实存在着它的难度的。对于一些画图不是很厉害的人在剪之前就已经遇上了画图问题了。而且如果是复杂的剪纸图案需要很细腻的把图给慢慢剪出来,一个不小心剪破了可能就得重新来过了,算是个只许成功不许失败的手工艺品。

  3. 凤凤同学好,我觉得你的剪纸都非常好看、生动,尤其是你的双鱼灯笼剪纸。剪纸不仅仅是装饰品,每个不同的剪纸都有不同的寓意。此外,剪纸也不是一个简单的手艺,也是需要细心以及耐心,因为只要一不小心剪错了,就得重新开始。谢谢你的分享

  4. 凤凤同学你好,我之前有对剪纸稍微的了解。剪纸这个艺术已经有1500余年的历史了。剪纸这门手艺需要非常细心,如果一不小心剪错了就导致剪不出原本要剪的图案了。虽然剪纸需要用的工具很简单,但真的要剪出一个成功的剪纸需要很大的心思。看得出来你真的很喜爱这门艺术,为它花了很多心思。你的努力没有白费,作品都完成得很好,剪纸作品都非常好看。

  5. 凤凤同学你好。剪纸艺术真的需要很大的耐心以及细心。从你的分享中,我能够感受到你对每件作品都花了很大的心思,非常专心地,小心地剪出每件作品的小细节,让它们以最完美最精致展现给我们。双鱼灯笼剪纸真的太精致了。双鱼眼睛的月牙纹、底座的云纹、平安帆船、元宝、铜钱,都展示出了它们的精致,每个部分都有它们的寓意。非常感谢你的分享。

  6. 凤凤同学你好。同学的每一幅作品都引人注目,尤其《石榴娃》。娃娃被刻画得惟妙惟肖,身旁小花的样式,更好似他被一团团花朵簇拥着,仿佛在花中起舞,可爱又灵动。娃娃的刻画,确实和其寓意相符,仿佛是小朋友在等待着父母的欢迎。一张纸一把刀,剪的不只是纸,更是人深厚绵长的祈愿与寄寓。

  7. 凤凤同学你好。透过你的作品,让我了解了剪纸听起来很容易,但其实在剪纸是需要更多耐心以及细心去完成,并且剪纸是需要更多技巧方面的功力。透过你的解说让我了解到剪纸有深层的寓意,此外我认为剪纸是非常有内涵的艺术。


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