








Introduction of Chinese Painting

Chinese painting is regarded as one of the oldest continuous artistic traditions in China. Chinese painting uses paper and silk as material, done with a brush dipped in black ink or colored pigments. It also known as guó huà, meaning “national painting” or “native painting”, or shuǐ mò meaning “ink and wash painting”. Ink is used as the main raw material, and different components of clear water are added to draw thick ink, light ink, dry ink, wet ink, burnt ink, etc., to draw different shades. However, Chinese painting is not restricted to only black and white, but can also be painted in colors, generally used in flowers and bird painting. Colourful Chinese paintings can also be called cǎi mò, meaning “colorful ink paintings”. There are three types of themes for Chinese painting, which are figure painting, landscape painting and flowers and birds painting. Tools are essential for painting. The indispensable writing and painting tools in ancient times were pen, ink, paper and inkstone. 

The origin of Chinese painting goes back to primitive rock paintings and colored pottery paintings in ancient times. Silk paintings appeared in the Warring States Period. The spread of foreign cultures in the Han dynasty and Wei, Jin and the Southern and Northern dynasties has resulted the Chinese painting dominated by religion. Landscape painting, flowers and birds painting are also sprouting at this time. In the great Tang dynasty, painting also becoming prospered. At this time, landscape paintings including flowers and birds painting are being matured, and religious painting has reached its peak, a tendency towards secularization appeared. Also at this time, figure paintings trend to mainly show the life of noble. When Chinese painting developed to the Song Dynasty, it becomes further matured and prospered. Religious paintings are declining. Furthermore, landscape painting, flowers and birds painting leap into the mainstream of the painting world. In the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, ink landscapes and freehand flowers and birds have been prominently developed. With the gradual stability of the economy, the field of culture and art has shown unprecedented prosperity.











Chinese painting contains the spirit and state of the Chinese nation. It is an excellent tradition of the Chinese nation, and also the Quintessence of China. I have drawn three paintings this time, which named “Bamboo”, “Sparrow” and “Plum”. All three paintings are flowers and birds paintings, and flowers and birds paintings aim to focus on expressing people’s spiritual world, expressing people’s thoughts and feelings, and embodying people’s inner life. 


Bamboo does not bloom, clear but elegant, remain green throughout the year, humbly, it symbolizes the gentleman's way. The literary men endow bamboo with spiritual and cultural symbols such as integrity, steadfastness, simplicity, and integrity with its characteristics. Li Bai even chanted bamboo's humility, chastity, and self-improvement in poem "Ci Lau Zhu". In order to accentuate the fierceness of bamboo, thick ink should be used when drawing bamboo leaves, put brush to paper in one stroke. Don’t dawdle. I use the "four fish" group leaf painting method to demonstrate a profound spatial sense in the drawing, in the meantime it can express the vitality of the bamboo accurately. But even though it was in a single stroke, the leaves I painted is lack of sharpness, I will blaze away in future work.


Sparrows are small birds, pert and cute. The sparrows living on the branches are a string of touching sounds of life, which contains the warmth of life. Sparrows are common birds in our life. Although they are ordinary and small, they can "fly in the dark clouds". Su Shi embodies the core issue of the Chinese painting aesthetics with poetry "The finches painted by Bian Luan are like living ones, and the flower paintings by Zhao Chang are also very vivid". The most common mistake in painting a sparrow is that it is tangible but lifeless, leading to the lack of soul and fail to convey the vitality of flowers and birds. The contours are easy to replicate, but the vividness of flowers and birds are difficult to show. I think the most important thing in painting a sparrow is its eyes, as the eyes are the window to the soul, and a pair of well-drawn eyes can be vivid.


Plum is the most beloved flowers in China, and is called as "Three Friends of Sui Han" together with pine and bamboo. Plum has a symbol of auspicious, good luck and good fortune. "Plum has four virtues, birth is the origin, which is the foundation of the beginning; blooming for prosperity means smooth access; knotting for profit, symbolizing peace and beneficial; maturity for chastity, representing firmness and allegiance." In order to convey the pride and indomitable spirit of plum blossoms in the cold winter, the plum tree should be drawn tall and straight. The dispersed plum blossoms bode well for childbirth in the future. As you can see in my paintings, the trunk is in the front, it is outlined with thick ink, and lighter ink is used for other branches. In order to bring out the plum blossom, I dipped the red ink and patted the brush so the red ink is scattered all over the paper.


  1. 文馨您好,感谢您在视频分享了三个中国画的类别令我了解到中国画的三种类别即人物画、山水画和花鸟画。文馨在仅有的时间内将三幅中国画作品:竹、雀、梅表现得惟妙惟肖,使我忍不住停下脚步留下来过的痕迹。您的声音更是动人得将我带进画里,令我感觉自己像是穿越了时代去到了古时候的时代。

  2. 文馨你好,透过你的分享我感受到了中国画独特的美丽,每个人的作品都会有自己的风格,你的作品也蕴含了属于你自己的见解和气韵。你的作品都有展现和勾勒出大自然的心境,整体画风和谐以及作品的线条也很流畅,令我感受到大自然的天然美。

  3. 文馨同学你好,我非常喜欢你的作品《雀》。小巧玲珑的麻雀被水墨描绘得十分自然,一眼望过去就好像真的麻雀一样。水墨画最大的挑战莫过于单凭黑色去描绘一幅画。不难看出《雀》这幅画中,你以浓、淡勾勒出墨水的渐变色部分,让整幅画看起来更加自然、生动。希望日后能向你请教关于水墨画。谢谢你的分享。

  4. 文馨你好!谢谢你带来三幅如此好看、生动的作品的同时更是为我们详细的讲解了中国画的由来。其中我最喜欢的就是《竹》这个作品。在你创作《竹》这个作品时真的有做到你所说的“一气呵成”,在你落笔时也可以看出是十分自然的,可见你在绘画上有着一定的天赋!最后,也谢谢你让我在你的作品当中感受到了中国画的美。

  5. 文馨同学你好,感谢你对于中国画的分享!我喜欢你的作品《竹》。你在当中所呈现的层次感很吸引我,感觉就很生机勃勃。我看到你在墨水上的运用也拿捏得非常刚好,不会太多也不会太少,并以顺畅且自然的线条去展现出你的每一部作品。你的讲解也非常仔细,再配上你温柔的声线,让我感受到了别有一番风味。感谢你对于每一个中国画作品的付出,我能感受到你的用心。

  6. 文馨同学你好,在你的三幅作品中,都给我带来了很舒服,很悠悠自然的感觉,给我带来了视觉上的震撼,内心里的平静。而让我一眼就留下深刻的印象的是《梅》。这幅画里你墨色深浅的运用,红墨的渲染,给我带来了很强的画面感,让我的脑中呈现了一副很强的画面,诉说它的故事。他就像一位战士,为国家而奋斗,牺牲,不惧敌人,将血泪撒在战场,宁死不屈,对国家至始至终保持忠节,犹如梅花在寒冬中的傲寒不屈。最后,非常感谢你的分享,给我带来了视觉上的享受,希望日后有机会向你请教。

  7. 文馨同学,你好。在欣赏《竹》画作时,可见你在画中将竹干和竹叶线条的韵味透过“一气呵成”和笔墨浓淡层次的渲染以及“四鱼”的组叶画法撇竹叶,将竹子的秀逸神韵、纤细柔美和清逸之感入画。反之,《雀》构图绮丽,色彩瑰丽,将麻雀的娇小玲珑画得惟妙惟肖,美轮美奂!《梅》红墨的应用也是别出心裁、独出巧思即采用拍打笔墨的反式将梅花的绽放呈现,仿佛梅花香扑鼻而来。

  8. 妳好文馨同学!妳所画的作品非常独特,无论是《竹》、《雀》或《梅》都有属于各自的美妙之处。《竹》的颜色虽然朴素,却能彰显出它的优雅特征。《雀》的作品体现出安详的感觉,而且雀的绘画非常真实、生动。《梅》带有吉祥和华丽的美感,看得出三幅作品都非常细心完成。


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