





1.  中文版本







2.               English version

Tai Chi Quan is one of the Inner family boxing styles which same as Xing Yi Quan and Ba Gua Zhang. AS first, Tai Chi Quan was named as ‘Thirteen Style’, and the name of ‘Tai Chi Quan’ was called by ‘Wang Zong Yue’ in his <Theory of Tai Chi>. Tai Chi Quan is practiced for defense training and taking advantage of strength. Based on respect, static, stable, slow, uniform, soft, round, loose, neat, and ‘Nine bead’, there are also contain ‘Qi’ and virtual spirit. It requires that "the intention is not to exert force", and softness with firmness.

The style I showed is ‘The 24-posture Simplified Form of Tai Chi Quan’. The form was the result of an effort by the Chinese Sports Committee, which, in 1956, brought together Taiji teachers to create a simplified form of Taiji as an exercise for the masses. Although it has only 24 styles, its content is concise, its movement is standard, and can show the features of Tai Chi Quan, which included a calm mind and loose body, round and vigorous, separation of coherent and clear, and breathing naturally.

For me, when I first experienced Taijimy first intuitive feeling was heat, and every time I practiced it, I would sweat. Except when I do taijiquan, I can feel a vague flow of qi in my body. As I became more familiar with Tai Chi, the qi seemed to move more smoothly, just like the week of heaven mentioned in wuxia novels. Every time after a set of taijiquan, I really feel comfortable, that night will particularly love to sleep. Moreover, when I learn Tai Chi Quan, I have increased my knowledge about ‘Yin and Yang’. This knowledge has been shown in some opposition phenomena, including inhaling and exhaling, static and movement, and opening and closing.

First of all, the reason why Taijiquan is slow is because of the pursuit of meticulous and deep breathing. As Zhang Zhaoping and Du Feihu said, "It has a long life span, and to make the breathing thin, deep and long, it is not necessary to fly slowly and gently..." Between exhalation, static can let the body of the gas compression, operation, and then out of the body of the gas, and in dynamic can be slowly incorporated into the surrounding gas, and its operation, and then achieve the natural state of breathing. Secondly, I need to have a static state before each movement in order to achieve static braking. Of course, I need to make sure my posture is correct and I don't swing, which is definitely a big challenge for me. Finally, a combination of the current action of flexion and extension, advance and retreat, rise and fall, etc. In this way, the opening and closing can be achieved, and the "circle" of Tai Chi can be formed, so as not to destroy the integrity and beauty of Tai Chi. Secondly, when I want to go to the next step, I need to still, as the purpose of static braking. As the result, I need to ensure that my posture is correct and not going to move around. This is a big challenge in Tai Chi Quan. Thirdly, opening and closing show movement of flexion and extension, advance and retreat, rise and fall, and so on. Thus, I can reach the separation of coherent and clear, build up the ‘circle’ of Tai Chi, and avoid destroying the integrity and beauty of Tai Chi Quan. 

In short, Tai Chi may seem simple and simple, but every movement is not to be sneezed at. Although not as handsome as other Chinese martial arts, Tai Chi is the best choice when it comes to self-cultivation.


  1. 振荣同学你好!在还未观赏你的影片前,我原以为只有一些较为年长的人才会喜欢太极拳。没想到观看完你的视频后,我也深深地被太极拳的动作给吸引住了。因此,对于你所展示的二十四式太极拳表演,我由衷钦佩,每一个动作你都做的非常标准,想必你一定付出了很多努力。因为正如你所说的,太极拳看似简单,但每一个动作都不容小看。

  2. 我曾听过“物种的寿命与其呼吸次数有关”的言论,当时便想到了瑜伽和冥想便是以控制呼吸为主的活动,如今看到了振荣同学所展示的太极拳,以及引用了张肇平以及杜飞虎的说法,便使我想起了那时听说的言论,看来太极拳对修身养性的确有所帮助。另外,从振荣同学的表演中,我也感受到了太极拳的美感。

  3. 振荣同学你好!看完了你的视频感觉生活的脚步都变慢了。每次看武侠电视剧都觉得太极拳很厉害。太极拳的那种慢但是威力可不小啊。练习太极拳可以让人平静下来。我很像知道了为什么老年人为什么那么喜爱太极的原因了。

  4. 你好振荣!你所呈现的二十四式太极拳确实能感受到太极拳的奥秘和柔和感,如同你所提到的“太极拳要求用意不用力,柔中带刚”,并不是用蛮力来彰显出太极拳的美妙之处,而是每个动作必须调整自身的力道、内心、呼吸以及姿态才能摆动出正确的太极拳。

  5. 从前,我以为太极拳是最没杀伤力的武术。看了振荣同学的分享,才知道原来太极拳是用来自我防卫的,并且是“用意不用力”的,其“人不犯我我不犯人”的特性,我是不是可以说“太极拳是武术界的绅士”呢?另外,这个没有使用刀枪剑棍的运动,由振荣同学耍下来,其节奏虽慢,但也感受到力与气的结合,确实不容小看。最后,我十分感谢振荣同学对太极拳动作的说明,增加了我对武术运动的认识,可谓获益良多。


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