







The origin of Peking opera mask can be traced back to sacrificial rituals in the tribal period. During the ceremony, the sorcerers in charge of offering sacrifices would wear masks. For example, dozens of bronze masks were unearthed in Sanxingdui of the Ancient Shu Kingdom. In the pre-Qin period, there was a custom called "Nuo Li" to expel epidemic ghosts. The performers in "Nuo Li" also need to wear masks. We can find that facial makeup is originated from masks. These facial masks have specific specifications, just like musical scores, so they are called facial masks. Why do we need facial masks? It’s because previous performances were generally performed in markets and temple fairs, but in that era, there was no such equipment as modern close-up lenses and loudspeakers. Therefore, the facial makeup can quickly and clearly reflect the personality of the character in the plot, and make it easier for the audience to distinguish the character. There is a proverb in Peking opera: "Red loyalty and purple filial piety, black upright and pink old, yellow ruthless and gray greedy, blue brave and green violent, water-white treacherous, oily white arrogant, gods, buddhas and elves, gold and silver."




The art of Peking opera mask can be said a field that I have never tried before. After preliminary understanding and thinking, I still decided to choose the art of facial masks. The biggest reason is that in the process of understanding, I discovered that it contains many classic characters that I like. Such as: Bao Zheng in "Bao Qing Tian", Monkey King in "Journey to the West" and Cao Cao, Guan Yu and Dian Wei in "Three Kingdoms". Because of the love for these characters, I also want to know more about the Peking opera mask styles of these classic characters and the meaning of the patterns contained in the Peking opera mask. For example, there is a legend that the white crescent on Bao Zheng's forehead is the pass to the underworld, because there is a legend of Bao Zheng that " judging people by day, ghosts by night". 

During the exploration, I also learned more about Peking opera mask, including the origin of various facial makeup, the personality of the character represented by the main color of various facial masks, the coloring methods of facial masks which is rubbing, hooking, wiping and breaking  and there are four types of facial masks style: whole face, three-part face, advanced three-part face and densely packed face. In the process of learning, I gradually discovered the beauty of facial masks. The exaggerated pattern in the facial masks can often bring out the character's external and spirit.


  1. 在众多形形色色的脸谱中,各自都有着独自的色彩及故事,都各自代表着不同的历史人物,隐喻着不同的精神与态度。通过展示者所展现的关于脸谱与悟空脸谱,让观众了解到不同的色彩并非随心而彩,而是有着严格的规定,像是悟空脸谱中的主色——白色代表着狂傲,与悟空的形象如出一徹。感谢同学的分享与呈现,让我领略一番不一样的文化,不一样的艺术。

  2. 明宏同学,你好!同学的作品整齐精致、多彩缤纷,令我疑惑为什么脸谱有着不同的色彩?原来,不同的角色有着不同的故事,不同的色彩也代表着不同的精神及意义。好比同学分享关羽脸谱以红色为主色,代表忠义,血气方刚;孙悟空脸谱以油白色为主色,代表着狂傲。由此可见,两者的色彩意义恰恰与两个经典人物的性格相同一致。谢谢同学的分享,令我对脸谱的来源及其特色都有更近一步的了解!

  3. 明宏你好,我看到在你的说明中提到了“红忠紫孝,黑正粉老,黄狠灰贪,蓝勇绿暴,水白奸邪,油白狂傲,神佛精灵,金银普照”,这对我来说是非常陌生的。原来,想要了解京剧入门或是脸谱常识,首先要做的就是学会“看脸色”来区分人物性格,就如你所说的悟空的油白脸谱色带表示着他的狂傲性格。希望有机会再和你交流更多“看脸色”的脸谱知识。

  4. 明宏同学你好。其实我一直以来觉得脸谱非常的神秘且严肃,通过你的分享我才了解到原来脸谱的由来与祭祀仪式和驱逐疫鬼有所关系。你的作品多彩缤纷,也让我明白每种颜色每个角色所代表的含义故事都不同。

  5. 你好明宏!形神之艺完全符合脸谱的创作,每个脸谱都有特定的角色,每种颜色彰显出一个角色的个性和特点。脸谱确实不容易,从起步就是一项难关,需要画出脸上的线条,接着才能进行上色的步骤。脸谱的艺术在于它夸张的色彩和造型。


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