





书法的介绍Introduction of Calligraphy


Calligraphy is a traditional culture and art unique to China. In a broad sense, calligraphy refers to the rules of writing linguistic symbols. In other words, calligraphy is the art of writing in accordance with the characteristics of words and their meanings, with their stylistic strokes, structures, and chapters, making them aesthetically pleasing works of art. The common calligraphic scripts are Official Script, Regular Script, Cursive Script and Running Script. The main tools of calligraphy are the brush, ink, rice paper and ink stone. As well as being the main form of expression and work used by calligraphers to create, calligraphy is also a tool for studying the psychology and character of the writer. Through years of diligent study and practice, they have developed different styles and schools.



I have got a lot of benefits from this coursework. Different calligraphers have their own unique styles and genres. As I personally like the writing style of Ouyang Xun, I have chosen two of his numerous calligraphic posters to copy. These are a copy of Ouyang Xun's 'Heart Sutra of Prajna Paramita' and 'The Lanting Records'. Ouyang Xun is known as one of the "Four Great Masters of Regular Script". He was good at learning from the ancients but was able to integrate the essence of calligraphy and come up with new ideas, eventually forming an artistic style that is rigorous in law, dangerous in structure, strong in strokes, and dignified. His regular script was called the "Ou Style" by later generations. The Tang dynasty calligrapher Zhang Hui Guan, in his "Book of Writings", says that Ouyang Xun was "capable of all eight styles, with a sinister and vigorous brushwork, especially in the seal script, which was superior to that of the ancients", and that "the cursive script was so fluid and circulating that it could be compared to that of Erwang. When I wrote the Heart Sutra, I chose to write it in the form of a small regular script. The script is rigorous, with a strong turn of phrase in the centre. In the case of the Lanting Jie, I chose to write it in the medium script form, which is characterized by strong, elegant strokes, elegant and majestic strokes, as well as a rigorous ending. I think that copying calligraphy is a good activity, not only to cultivate one's temperament, but also to develop one's powers of concentration and observation. In addition to this, copying allows one to appreciate the long history of Chinese culture and art, and to acquire good calligraphy in the process of copying one stroke at a time.


  1. 您好,蔚敏同学。看了你的视频觉得你的字形非常漂亮,字带清秀,看得出来你十分用心去书写。这里有一点美中不足的地方是,你选择了临摹欧阳询的字体,欧阳询楷体严谨刚劲有力古朴处见庄严,结构严谨。我觉得蔚敏同学的字体偏清秀与欧阳询的风格差距颇大,临摹的时候还未能把欧阳询之神髓完全展现出来,蔚敏同学落笔稍轻缺少了一点点的刚劲力度。整体上还是十分具有美,形,只是缺乏一点点神韵。我也很喜欢蔚敏同学从临摹中自创的字体,委婉,清秀中带有一些安逸自在,让人看了心旷神怡。

  2. 蔚敏同学好,谢谢你的分享。虽然我对书法了解不多,但是我认为你的书法字形非常好看、整齐,每一撇一划都井井有条、各有先后顺序的。我相信写书法除了要学会静心、专注地去写,最重要的还是要去反复练习写书法,才能写出好看的字形。写书法的精神要如同王羲,他为了写好书法而刻苦练习,他天天到河边洗毛笔和砚。没有纸笔的时候,他就在身上划写,久而久之,衣服都被划破了。因此,我敬佩他刻苦学习的精神。

  3. 蔚敏同学好。从你的作品我感受到了你在书写时宁静的心情,因为从书法的文字中能看出当时候书写人的心情。我特别喜欢你所书写的文字,整体都很整齐,看了令人觉得很舒服。尤其是在提钩和转折的部分都写得相当到位,可见你为了写好书法下了不少苦心。

  4. 蔚敏同学你好,感谢你的分享。我可以从你的书法作品看出你书写时宁静的心境,也觉得你的字体非常端正。我相信你是非常专注和认真的完成这些临摹的文字,因此我不仅敬佩你的精神也很喜欢你写的字。


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