

姓名 : 陈姿颖 

鉴赏项目: 剪纸艺术 



剪纸介绍Introduction of Paper-cutting


Paper-cutting is a traditional folk art of hollowing out. Paper-cutting is the art of creating paper with scissors and cutters as tools. The art of paper-cutting is enriched in various folk activities and is one of the most abundant art forms in folk history and culture. The content of paper-cutting art is very wide with a variety of subjects, such as landscapes and flowers, characters, birds and animals, stories and legends and so on. There are various forms of paper-cutting such as for posting, lining, printing and dyeing or as an embroidery base. Paper-cutting is often refined through homophonic, symbolic and implied techniques to summarize natural forms and form beautiful patterns. Paper-cutting also is the carrier of human spiritual consciousness, has rich spiritual belief value, cultural and educational functions, and also is a folk art that people ask for things.



Paper-cutting also known as carve-cutting, is a sharp-pointed art on paper. The paper-cutting skill that I used to cut is the folding cutting method and the “Yang-curving” technique and there are mostly used for posting as decoration.


The first is the " Xi (double happiness)" character paper cut. When weddings are celebrated, the word "Xi (double happiness)" is posted to express joy and blessings. Followed by, the plum blossom five-petal paper-cut. The five petals of the plum blossom symbolize the "five blessings": happiness, blessing, longevity, smoothness, and peace. Then, I cut the paper-cutting of the "chun (spring)" character group flower, matched with the paper-cuts of "Plum Blossom" and "good luck" and the paper-cut work titled "Snow (winter) gone and then welcomes the Spring", which means farewell to the old and welcome the new year, and welcomes the warmth of the spring. The fourth, "Fu(blessing)" window grilles. Pasting the word "Fu" during the Spring Festival is a long-standing folk custom as welcoming the Spring Festival and accepting blessings entrust people's wishes for a better future. The fifth, "Zhaji doll (Doll scratching hair)". "Zhaji doll (Doll scratching hair) " are paper-cuts cut into small human figures, also known as "Ren Sheng". The "Zhaji doll (Doll scratching hair)" has the god of life and reproduction, a symbol of auspiciousness and happiness, and is a paper-cut with the theme of life and reproduction worship. Sixth, the magpies come home. Magpies have been loved by people since ancient times and are a symbol of joy, good luck, auspiciousness and good fortune. Therefore, the magpies hope to come home with peace and joy. Most of this work uses cloud patterns and crescent patterns to express the soft lines of the bird's nest. Seven, a picture of "lucky fish". The fish scale pattern is the focus of this work, which is used to express the fish scales. Fish is implied as a symbol of auspiciousness, wealth and luck. "Fish" is also a homonym for "Yu(extra)". Therefore, the combination of "Fu(blessing)" and "Fish" means more than good fortune. The eighth, “Get married on New Year's Day”. The internal details of this work are fine with crescent, zigzag, willow, and round patterns, especially the more zigzag patterns to reflect the layering on the clothes. There is a folk custom of flip through the almanac. If the almanac has mention that new year can marry, so that the day is suitable for marriage.


The art of paper-cutting can be described as profound, broad and profound, with strong folk characteristics. I also deeply realize that when creating paper-cutting art, it takes a lot of patience and energy to succeed.


  1. 姿颖你好,我非常喜欢你在视频中所谈到的一句话“一把剪刀,一张纸,见除了美妙绝伦的民间艺术,剪出了一众世间百物。”剪纸作为中国民间最古老的艺术之一承载了许多历史与民间故事。所有的艺术品也有各自的象征与寓意,寄托了人们的希望,使作品有了灵魂。我最喜欢的就是姿颖的刻纸作品——福鱼图,把“鱼”刻得活灵活现、妙不可言,展现了技艺高超的手法。

  2. 姿颖你好,看了你的作品分享后我觉得剪纸是个不简单的手艺,一旦剪错一刀就需重来,非常考验耐心和剪纸技巧的。此外,你的剪纸作品都非常好看,手工精细,细节都处理得很好,使你的作品更加生动。透过你的讲解,我对于剪纸有更深层的认识与了解,更加喜欢和欣赏剪纸的美。

  3. 姿颖同学你好。我认为你在视频中展现了许多种类的剪纸,而我最喜欢的是《福鱼图》和梅花。你的福鱼图非常的精致,含义也非常的有寓意。梅花图则是教学过程非常容易跟上。对我而言,你的讲解增加了我对剪纸艺术的知识和理解。

  4. 姿颖同学你好,我非常欣赏你的剪纸作品,尤其是福鱼图,福鱼图在鱼鳞上的细节,非常精细,让整个剪纸看起来更加的生动。看了你的分享视频,也增加了我对剪纸的知识,如每个不一样的刻纹。此外,我认为剪纸不是一个简单的艺术,他需要更多的耐心以及细心才能更好地展现出作品。希望日后,能够向你请教关于剪纸艺术。谢谢你的分享。

  5. 姿颖你好!在你进行刻纸时,可以看出你是非常细心、谨慎的。若是以我毛躁的性格可能会容易把小孔的地方割坏,尤其是在鱼鳍的部分。在众多你所展示的作品中,我个人最为喜欢的是《元春娶亲》这个作品,这个作品有许多小孔、细节的地方比如月牙纹、锯齿纹、柳叶纹等,都可以看出你的所花费的耐心与精力是多么的多啊!也谢谢你的分享,让我感受到剪纸艺术的不简单。

  6. 姿穎同学好。同为选择剪纸艺术的我非常佩服你的耐心,更让我钦佩的是你对剪纸的讲解,非常清楚明了。在观看了你的八个剪纸视频后,我突然觉得人是个很神奇的存在。无论是过去时代的人或者到现代人,寻找希望好像就是人类的本能。就算人们生活遇到不如意的事情,总能把自己的希望寄托在某种东西上,比如通过剪喜鹊归巢的剪纸,给我的感觉就是嗷嗷待哺的孩子等待妈妈的归来。就犹如面对困境的人,幸福快乐吉祥的降临。除此之外,你的每个剪纸作品都让我感觉到剪纸并不只是一个单纯的装饰品,更是人类生活精神的寄托,相信剪纸能迎来好运。最后,也谢谢你的分享,让我获益量多。

  7. 姿颖同学你好,感谢你对于剪纸艺术的分享!我本身第一次接触剪纸艺术是在我参加中国冬令营的时候,我还记得我当时刻画的图案是一只兔子。说真的挺不容易的,特别是每一个镂空的部分,都必须小心谨慎。剪纸艺术真的很讲究细心且小心翼翼,因为只要一下错一刀,整个作品就会毁了,就要重新来过。感谢你对于每一个剪纸创作作品的认真,我能感受到你的细心,才会呈现出如此赏心悦目的作品。

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  9. 姿颖同学你好。小学时期曾尝试过剪纸,那时我剪的不过是一个“春”字,就觉得困难重重,因此对同学完成了那么多幅作品深感佩服。同学剪出了《抓髻娃娃》的可爱、明快,剪出了《喜鹊归巢》的鲜活、生动,剪出了《元春娶亲》的优雅、婉约。每一幅作品都是贴近社会的刻画,有独特的内涵和意蕴,这是民间艺术独具一格的魅力。剪纸艺术,是剪刀和纸碰撞出的文化魅力,表达了生活中的喜怒哀乐,描绘了所见中的大千世界。一起一落,掉落的是欲驱逐的厄运;一刀一划,留下的是欲欢迎的希翼。


  欢迎您来到 2022 年中华艺术云展览的小天地! 为了传承中华艺术并进一步颂扬之,此次中华艺术云展览的主题为 -- 《承艺 • 颂》。