

名字:林依玟 LIM YEE VEN







Introduction of Bamboo Flute

      The flute is the oldest Han musical instrument discovered so far, and it is also the most representative and ethnically characteristic wind instrument among the Han musical instruments. One of the commonly used horizontal blown woodwind instruments in traditional Chinese music, the Chinese bamboo flute, is generally divided into the southern tune flute, the northern bang flute and the alto flute in between. The range can generally reach two octaves and two more. The flute is often used in Chinese folk music, opera, Chinese national orchestra, western symphony orchestra and modern music. It is one of the representative instruments of Chinese music. In the national band, the flute is a pivotal wind instrument and is regarded as the representative of the national wind instrument. Most flutes are made of bamboo, but there are also flutes made of stone flutes, jade flutes, and mahogany. In ancient times, there were also bone flutes. However, the best raw material for making flutes is still bamboo, because bamboo flutes have better sound effects and lower production costs.




     This song "Unsullied" is the theme song of the costume TV series "Ashes of Love". The tune combines plot characters, and the melody is sad. It should be combined with the D key’s flute to make it more poignant because the tune of the D key’s flute is round, deep, full, and soft, but I use the G key. Because G flute is more suitable for beginners to learn. The sound of the playing "Unsullied" is relatively clear. Its characteristic is that its high-pitched emotion is more unrestrained, and it is easy to highlight the strong emotion of the tune. Compared with the tune of the flute, the sound is not so low, but in fact, each has its characteristics and styles. My creative experience is that it was difficult to practice blowing at the beginning because it was difficult to make a sound. I also visited my music course’s friend and asked her to help me in flute practicing. Later, after correcting the blowing mouth shape and the tightly closed opening and closing of the fingering, it showed improvement. Finally, I also realized that flutes of different tones are suitable for playing the music of different styles of music, but if the music of different tones can be played on flutes of other tunes, the characteristics and timbre displayed will be different.

1 comment:

  1. 依玟同学你好!我觉得你对竹笛的介绍非常全面,让只接触过西方乐器的我也收获了东方乐器的知识。从视频中我也知道同学你是第一次接触吹奏乐器,或许是因为新手吹奏的关系,我并未体会到曲子的悲伤与凄美感觉,这一点非常可惜。但是,我十分佩服你的努力,完整地演绎了整首曲子,相信你一定也对竹笛与音乐萌生了一些情谊,希望日后可以看到你更多的作品。


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