





竹笛介绍Introduction of Bamboo Flute

竹笛是一种非常有特色的中国传统乐器。它源于新石器时期,最早发现于八千年前河姆渡古文化遗址中的骨哨以及贾湖文化遗址中的骨笛,那时笛子是用骨制的。黄帝时期,距离现今大约四千多年前,由于黄河流域生长着大量竹子,当时的人们便开始选竹为材料制作笛子。到了唐代,为了避免混淆,横吹称为笛,竖吹称为箫。笛子也开始多样化了,分为竹制和玉制。唐代竹笛也开了膜孔,因有笛膜,才使竹笛的音色清脆高亢明亮。到了元朝,由于戏曲的蓬勃发展,笛子成为伴奏乐器,分为曲笛和梆笛。到了20 世纪60 年代, 赵松庭发明了排笛,促进了笛子的进一步发展。

The bamboo flute is a very distinctive traditional Chinese instrument. It originates from the Neolithic period and was first discovered eight thousand years ago in the bone whistles from the ancient cultural site of He mu du and in the bone flutes from the Jia hu cultural site, when flutes were made of bone. During the time of the Yellow Emperor, some 4,000 years ago, people began to choose bamboo as the material for their flutes, as bamboo grew in abundance in the Yellow River basin. By the Tang dynasty, to avoid confusion, the flute was called a flute(笛) when played horizontally and called a Chinese xiao (萧)when played vertically. The flutes also began to diversify, being divided into bamboo and jade. In the Tang dynasty, the bamboo flute was also opened with a membrane hole, which gave it a crisp, high-spirited and bright tone. During the Yuan dynasty, the Chinese flute became an accompaniment instrument due to the flourishing of opera and was divided into QUDI(曲笛)and BANG DI(梆笛). In the 1960s, Zhao Song ting (赵松庭) invented the row of flutes, which led to the further development of the flute.



The song (Bu Wei Xia不谓侠) is an ancient song about the journey of a young hero, expressing a kind of jiang hu sentiment. The song style is a little bit sad and has a feeling that it is not easy to get across the mountains. This song is melodious, lively, high-spirited, and it also has a high and low bass transition.


The song (EndlessLove美丽的神话) tells a beautiful love story. I think this song gives a feeling of sadness with a touch of attachment. Through this track, it also expresses a kind of inner yearning for love between the male and female protagonists, who miss, cherish and sing about love beyond measure. This track expressing the emotion of vowing to die and the pain of loving each other but not being able to keep each other.


'The Sea' has a soaring feel and is a track that people are expected to sing about their inner sadness and let out their emotions. The rhythm and melody are smooth and melodic, giving a feeling of loneliness.



Through this coursework, I found it a rare opportunity to learn and I have benefited greatly. As a beginner, when I started with the bamboo flute, I had not yet found the technique and could not even play the sound. As a result, I learned the hard way that it is not easy to master an instrument and that it takes time to study it, not to mention that I am a beginner. Although I don’t have a high level of performance, but I have learned about the bamboo flute, which includes the background of its origin, its characteristics, its basic structure, its playing posture, fingering, playing techniques and so on. I gradually developed an interest in the bamboo flute. Finally, I hope that the bamboo flute will become a part of my life, perhaps in my free time, to practice it and relax.


  1. 雪文你好!起初我认为竹笛只适合伤感空灵的歌曲,观赏了你的呈现后,原来竹笛吹出的《不谓侠》也可以有江湖将士的潇洒之情。这首曲子经过你的诠释,比悲伤更多的是潇洒的风度。

  2. 雪文同学你好!作为竹笛初学者,我觉得你可以在短时间内演奏三首曲子已经算是很不错了,可见你付出了很多时间和精力来练习。另外,通过观看你的视频,我才发现原来笛子在吹奏一首歌曲时可以吹出别具一番的风味,尤其是你那悠扬的笛声娓娓动听,不禁让我陶醉其中。

  3. 雪文同学你好,谢谢你的分享。透过你的视频,我感受到竹笛可以演奏出较为轻快的曲子,虽然节奏是轻快,但也可以感触到其中的悲伤曲调。在这首《不谓侠》中确实可以体会到“隔山涉水不易得到”的感觉。

  4. 雪文同学,你好!你所吹奏出的笛声,也令我跳进了音符的海洋中!作为初学者的你能完整吹出三首曲子,可见你必然付出许多的时间及精力练习。在你吹奏时,随着你身体的摆动,可见你是十分陶醉的,而我在听你吹奏时,也随着你的笛声,陶醉在其中。其中,我最喜欢你吹奏的《美丽的神话》。笛声悠扬,唯有爱是永远的神话。

  5. 雪文同学,你好呀。感谢你那么精彩的演奏,让我非常享受。看得出你花了很多时间来练习。我跟淞伶同学一样最喜欢你演奏的《美丽的神话》。你在演奏的同时那个电影的情节自动涌现出来。非常凄美的爱情故事啊!我非常陶醉。希望有机会可以亲耳听到你吹笛子。

  6. 雪文同学你好。我认为你非常棒,能在如此短的时间内掌握一门乐器并吹出这么多好听的曲子,因为学乐器不简单,尤其是自己不熟悉的乐器,从音阶、指法、掌握竹笛的方式与气息等都需要许多时间来去学习,感谢你的分享。

  7. 雪文同学你好,非常喜好你的演奏。作为一名初学者,能够演奏着三首曲子真的十分不容易了。从技巧、拍子、音调、气息都掌握的不错,作为一名初学者真的不容易。看得出你花了不少时间去练习才换来的成果。尤其是《美丽的神话》简直带人梦回蒙毅将军与高丽公主的画面,那种凄美不舍于无奈简直深入人心。

  8. 雪文你好。感谢你分享那么精彩的竹笛吹奏表演。学习乐器不容易,再者你还表演了三首风格不同的歌曲。由于我对《不谓侠》和《美丽的神话》的曲调比较熟悉,因此在看你的视频时会一直带入行走江湖的侠客以及《神话》电影里的画面,陶醉其中。

  9. 雪文同学你好。感谢你分享精彩的竹笛演绎。透过视频,我能够感受以竹笛演奏的轻快曲子,曲子节奏虽是轻快,但能够感知在曲中所表达的悲伤曲调。在《不谓侠》的曲子,确实能够体验到伤感的感觉。


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