





剪纸的介绍Introduction of Paper-Cutting


   Paper-cutting comes from life and comes from the hands of the working people, often using allegorical symbolism and deformation exaggeration techniques to reflect their experiences and feelings about life. Due to the different cultures of different regions and ethnic groups, Chinese folk paper-cutting has a variety of genres and styles, all with their unique local characteristics. In the north, paper-cutting is simple, generous and bold, while in the south paper-cutting is exquisite, delicate, symmetrical and orderly. Specifically, Hebei paper-cutting is good at pointillism, Shandong ShanXi paper-cutting is simple and steady, Guangdong paper-cutting makes good use of gold paper as a foil, Jiangsu paper-cutting is finely cut, Fujian paper-cutting is naturalistic in form, Shaanxi and Zhejiang paper-cutting are good at border decoration patterns. The regional characteristics are reflected in the shape of the figures, the handling of the knives and the expression of feelings, but the basic connotation is the same: rustic, innocent, rich in connotation and rich in the local atmosphere.





My paper cuttings are “BaoXi WaWa”(Hugging Joy Doll), “Tiger”, “Window Flower” and “FangSheng pattern”. First of all, the doll is the most energetic member of the family, representing new life and beautiful hope. The union of marriage also breeds the birth of new life. Therefore, the combination of the word joy and the doll also signifies a happy marriage and the early birth of a child. The tiger’s head cap in the paper-cutting of “BaoXiWaWa” is a wish that the child will be as healthy and sturdy as a tiger. Secondly, the “Tiger” is depicted with simple curved lines to depict the image features of the tiger. The tiger has the auspicious symbolism of warding off evil spirits and bringing good health to all sides. In addition, the “Window Flower” not only contribute to the festive atmosphere, but also brings people the enjoyment of beauty, integrating decoration, appreciation and practicality. The style of the “Window Flower” is generally free, and there are no restrictions on its outer contours. They are not too large as they are adapted to the general window pane and to avoid affecting the lighting, and attention is paid to the hollowing and translucency. Lastly, in folklife,  “Fangsheng pattern” together with the jewel, ancient money, jade chime, rhino horn, silver ingots, coral, “Ruyi” is known as the “Eight Treasures”, also known as the “Double Eight Treasures”, meaning good luck. Because of its interlocking shape, it is a metaphor for the intersection of two fish in folk culture, adding to the connotation that life never ends.

Through completing this paper-cutting project, I learnt that the paper-cutting has a wide range of contents and meanings, and that it fully reflects people's lives and has a strong folklore character. Furthermore, I feel very happy because this subject requires a great deal of patience and care to complete my work, which has enabled me to make progress.


  1. 语嫣你好!对我而言,剪纸是一门技术活,十分考验耐心,一旦剪错一刀就需重来。从视频中可看得出你专注剪纸的样子,非常认真。你的虎剪纸成功的吸引了我的眼球,非常可爱和生动。恰好虎年来临,可趁此机会剪出一个虎剪纸用来装饰家里,除了是渲染新年气氛,也寓意着吉祥如意。

  2. 语嫣你好!看了你的视频,我认为剪纸是一个特别欢乐的活动,在纸上画上自己喜欢的图案,再慢慢地剪出来,看见成品的那刻是满满的满足感啊!相信语嫣同学是为了配合虎年特意示范剪了虎的剪纸,不得不说虎的剪纸从头到脚的线条顺畅圆润,面部笑容十足,是一只可爱又喜庆的老虎,若新年时贴在家里每看一眼都心情愉快!

  3. 语嫣您好!听了您的介绍之后,我才发现现今社会其实处处都可见剪纸艺术的延申与发展。例如,在影印行业中的喷墨手法便需要事先将镂空的图案准备好。这镂空的图案。或许是剪纸艺术在现代的一种演变。剪纸不仅仅是一门艺术,也是传承中华民族文化的一种方式。随着剪纸艺术的传承,承载于剪纸作品上的寓意与文化也能够随之得以传承下去。就如同结婚时所张贴的“囍”字,这何尝不也是由剪纸艺术的传承所带来的文化传承的证据。

  4. 在剪纸艺术中,其中最让人期待且有成就感的时刻,莫过于在揭开已经裁剪好的纸的瞬间,看到整副图。语嫣的报喜娃娃剪纸可以看到有很多细节的部分,这些都需要非常细心,可谓一失足成千古恨。而且每个剪纸都有它本身的寓意,寄托着人们的希望。

  5. 语嫣你好!一双手,一把剪刀,几张纸片,剪出精彩民间。民间剪纸的许多特点和风格都是是由于刀法上的一定技巧而产生的。剪纸要求抓住形象的主要部分,舍去次要部分,使主体一目了然。非常喜欢你剪的报喜娃娃,喜字与娃娃的结合让报喜娃娃的形象更为突出如你所说婚姻的结合(喜)孕育了新生命(娃娃)的诞生。

  6. 语嫣同学你好!通过你的视频,我了解到在剪纸的时候有许多细节需要注意和慢慢处理,不可太过于急躁,不然就会容易剪断。当剪好打开作品的时候,我们会有满满的成就感和满足感。剪纸的工具材料简便普及,技法易于掌握,所以我们应该好好地把这门手艺传承下去。

  7. 语嫣同学你好,谢谢你的分享。从你的视频中我了解到原来剪纸也有这么悠长的历史,历史上还有这么多提到剪纸的诗词。从你呈现的剪纸准备过程中我发现,剪纸需要非常大的耐心和毅力,在制作过程中也不能急躁,因为在剪的过程中,只要一步错,整份作品就难以“拯救”了。但是只要用心并细心去准备,我相信在完成作品的时候也会非常满足的。我很喜欢你所剪制的报喜娃娃和虎,尤其是报喜娃娃,细节部分非常多,可见你的精心准备。

  8. 语嫣同学你好,原来剪纸的历史可以追溯到西周时期。此外,我才发现现今社会其实处处都可见剪纸艺术的延申与发展。比如说,不仅可以剪成“囍”字,也能剪成窗花或动植物等形态,可谓是集装饰性和实用性于一体。中华民族天生喜爱热闹,剪纸也可助于烘托节日气氛。谢谢你让我更加认识了剪纸艺术。

  9. 你好语嫣!剪纸的艺术需要讲究每个细节,先画出特定的图案,再依据线条来剪出特定的模样,过程中确实不易完成一种剪纸作品,特别是你所制作的报喜娃娃剪纸,步骤相当复杂,而且还附加“囍”字在其中,有一定的难度,需要灵巧的手艺才能办到。整个剪纸作品相当杰出,同时也蕴含美好的意义在其中。


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