

名字 :李静宜

鉴赏项目 :竹笛


竹笛简介Introduction of Bamboo Flute

     竹笛是迄今为止发现的最古老的汉族乐器,也是汉族乐器中最具有代表性和民族特色的吹奏乐器。笛子常在中国民间音乐、戏曲、中国民族乐团、西洋交响乐团和现代音乐中运用,是中国音乐的代表乐器之一。在民族乐队中,笛子是举足轻重的吹管乐器,被当做民族吹管乐的代表。大部分笛子是竹制的,这是因为使用竹子制造的笛子声音效果较好,且制作成本较低。笛子属于木管乐器家族中的吹孔膜鸣乐器类。笛子的表现力十分丰富,可演奏出连音断音、颤音和滑音等色彩性音符;还可以表达不同的情绪。笛子实际上是一类乐器的通称,如果从音高上分类,笛子一般分为曲笛 (笛身较为粗长,音高较低,音色醇厚,多分布于中国南方)曲笛通常为D调、C调以及降B调。梆笛(笛身较为细短,音高较高,音色清亮,多用于中国北方各戏种)梆笛通常为F调、G调和A调梆笛和中笛(形状、发音特点介于曲笛和梆笛之间)。

   Bamboo flute is the oldest Han musical instrument and it is also the most representative and ethnic instrument among the Han musical instruments. Bamboo flute is often used in Chinese folk music, opera, Chinese national orchestra, western symphony orchestra and modern music. It is one of the representative instruments of Chinese music. In the national band, the flute is an instrument that is regarded as the representative of the national instrument. Most of the flutes are made of bamboo. This is because the flutes that are made by bamboo have better sound effects. Furthermore, the cost of production for bamboo flutes is also lower. The flute belongs to the blow-hole membrane musical instrument in the woodwind instrument family. The expressive power of the flute is very great, and it can be played in staccato, vibrato and portamento; it can also express different emotions. The flute is actually a general name for musical instruments. If can classified from the tone, the flute is generally divided into ‘Qudi’ (the flute which is thicker and longer, the pitch is lower, the tone is mellow, and most of them are distributed in southern China) ‘Qudi’ is usually in the D key, C key and B flat. ‘ Bangdi’ (the body is short and thin, the tone is higher and clear. It is mostly used in various dramas in northern China) ‘Bangdi’ is usually used as F key, G key and A key. ‘ Zhongdi’ is the bamboo flute whose shape and pronunciation characteristics are between ‘Qudi’ and ‘Bangdi’.


      此次我选择演奏的曲目是周杰伦的“青花瓷”。青花瓷这首歌曲是一首具有强烈中国风特色的歌曲。青花瓷笛子的独奏曲悠扬的笛声,让听众百听不厌,涤荡心胸,高雅脱俗都尽在笛音之中。使用笛子演奏出的《青花瓷》给人一种古朴而且蕴含韵味的感觉,余音袅袅,妙不可言。我会选择《青花瓷》这首歌曲是因为我认为D 调竹笛的音色较为醇厚,因此用来演奏古风的曲子最适合不过了。《青花瓷》歌曲里的高低音转换,也增加了演奏者的演奏的难度,演奏中需要更好的技巧,才能完美的演示。这是因为竹笛只有6个音阶,因此吹出高低音完全取决于演奏者的风门。


    The song that I chose to perform is "Blue and White Porcelain" by Jay Chou. The song "Blue and White Porcelain" is a song that contains a lot of Chinoiserie. The solo of the “Blue and White Porcelain” by flute will make audiences never tired of listening to this song, have a relaxing mind, elegant and refined in the tone of the flute. The "Blue and White Porcelain" played by the flute makes people have a simple and lingering feeling, and the remaining sound is curled and wonderful. I chose the song "Blue and White Porcelain" because I think the sound of the D key for bamboo flute is more mellow, so it is most suitable to play in ancient style songs. The high-bass conversion in the song "Blue and White Porcelain" also increases the difficulty of the performer's performance. Performers need better skills in performance to make a perfect presentation. This is because the bamboo flute has only 6 scales, the high and low sounds are completely dependent on the player's throttle.

            I chose the art of bamboo flute because I saw a person playing a bamboo flute on the internet. The sound of the flute was euphemistic and beautiful. It attracted me and inspired me to learn the bamboo flute. I still remember that when I first got the bamboo flute, I tried to play it for a long time and it couldn't sound. Then I practiced day-by-day, and it was like finally the bamboo flute sound. In addition, when practising bamboo flute, I also watched a variety of bamboo flute introductory teachings on the Internet, so that I can better master bamboo flute. Through every day of training, I can feel my progress day by day, my breath is getting longer and stable, making me feel extremely happy and feel that the efforts that I put in have not been in vain. After I groped for a while, I was finally able to take my breath more stable, my fingering became more and more proficient, and even my mouth shape gradually became correct. Then I started to choose a song to practice playing, and slowly I was able to play a complete song. I think the sound of the bamboo flute is very penetrating, easy to attract people, and it also allows me to better appreciate the emotions in the song. The bamboo flute is a very worthwhile instrument for us to learn, and I hope that the bamboo flute can be discovered by more people and inherited in the future.


  1. 静宜你好,透过你的讲解让我对于笛子的来源、架构及种类有更多的认识,原来竹笛是迄今为止发现的最古老的汉族乐器。你的表演曲目《青花瓷》,笛声非常动听和醇厚,让我也跟着哼歌词。你吹笛时一直处于轻松自然的状态,气息很平稳,想必背后定花了很多时间和精力在呼吸方法、基本功和曲目的练习上,为之我感受到了你的用心。

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  3. 静宜你好,我非常喜欢你所表演的曲目《青花瓷》,整个演奏过程顺畅、流利,笛声优美动人,不知不觉笛声与我的灵魂融合一起,令我有种身临其境之感,仿佛将我带到殷商时期。这是一首让人陶醉不已的曲目,优美典雅的笛声在耳边回荡能够让聆听者感受到表演者所要呈现的倾述之情,一幅幅画面呈现在眼前,令人感叹不已。

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  5. 静宜你好,谢谢你带来这么动听的《青花瓷》,这首歌在你竹笛声的演绎下,让歌曲的中国风又添加了几分。我特别喜欢在你进入副歌的那句“天青色等烟雨”,非常有特色,在听你演奏时,也会不自觉的跟着唱起来!在你的演奏中可以感受到你的气息十分稳定,想必是下了苦功夫的。希望有机会能和你学习竹笛哦!

  6. 静宜同学你好,感谢你对于竹笛的分享!在我还没正式去了解竹笛为何种乐器之前,我以为只要是笛子都是用来直着吹曲的。通过你的分享我才知道原来竹笛是用来横着吹曲的乐器。《青花瓷》这首歌对于我来说已经是耳熟能详了,但通过你用竹笛的演绎,让我感受到了另外一种风味。果然要吹笛就要有平稳的气息,才能吹得如此优美动人。感谢你对于竹笛创作的用心,每一个曲调的呈现都让我感受到了你的认真。

  7. 通过你的讲解,我了解到竹笛不仅是最古老的乐器,还能吹出带有不同情绪的笛声。此外,原来竹笛是具有“地方性”的。因为竹笛的种类众多,故各个地区如南北方都有属于各个风格和音调的竹笛。《青花瓷》是我蛮喜欢的中国风歌曲。通过你的演奏让我听出了另一种风味。你演奏时的气息也很稳,没有破音等情况发生,想必也努力练习了许久,希望有朝一日能和你学习吹奏竹笛。

  8. 静宜同学你好。《青花瓷》应该是周杰伦近代最经典的古风歌曲之一,很庆幸可以听到你的版本的吹奏。《青花瓷》的曲调轻快却又寓意深重,你的演奏非常顺畅,相必你也为此练习了无数次。感谢你的分享,希望有一天可以看到你再一次的表演竹笛。

  9. 静宜同学你好。竹笛之声纯萃清新,饱含了田园之美、天籁之美、古典之美,演奏出的歌曲余音绕梁,莺舌百啭。同学演奏的《青花瓷》真的就似青花瓷器般古朴典雅、洗净铅华、清新透亮。我眼前仿佛浮现了一出烟雨朦胧的江南山水,秀润、恬淡,配以悠扬的笛声,难以忘却。

  10. 静宜同学,你好。谢谢你对于竹笛细致的讲解,让我受益良多。《青花瓷》在你竹笛的演绎下,婉转缥缈,不绝如缕,宛若天籁之音百。笛音醇厚可见你拥有浑厚的气息,使得融入感加倍。悠扬飘荡的笛声将《青花瓷》的优美婉转又含蓄表现得淋漓尽致,仿佛身处江南烟雨,笛音绵延回响,让我陷入无限遐想。


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