













Introduction to embroidery:

    Embroidery is one of the oldest ancient Chinese handicrafts. Embroidery has a history of more than 2,000 years from ancient times to the present. Embroidery is a general term for embroidering various decorative patterns on fabrics with needle and thread. In ancient times, embroidery was more of a craft carried out by women, so it was also called "The Feminine Arts".

     Embroidery originated from the need for decoration itself. In ancient times, people would embroider landscapes, flowers and birds, attics, figures, auspicious characters, etc. on weaving. There have been many local embroideries in Chinese folklore, but the most famous are the four local embroideries of Su, Shu, Guangdong and Xiang, and later known as the "four famous embroideries", of which Su embroidery is the most prestigious. This is because the "Four Famous Embroideries" have original creation of needlework methods, and these unique needlework methods show exquisite and ingenious embroidery.



     The embroidery I embroider is one-sided. The embroidered patterns are two tit and peach blossoms in full bloom. That's why I call it "Birds' Twitter and Fragrance of Flowers." I think the pattern reveals a vibrant spring scene. Peach blossoms have many meanings, such as blossoming and wealth, showing grand plans, beautiful love and so on. In addition, two tits are embroidered in the embroidery pattern standing on the branches of peach blossoms. The combination of two tits and blooming peach blossoms presents a view of spring arriving, peach blossoms blooming and birds and finches appearing in pairs, which also symbolises a natural landscape of biological revival.

       There are many stitching methods in embroidery, and each pattern needs to use a different needlework method to bring it to life. Therefore, when embroidering "Birds' Twitter and Fragrance of Flowers", I used six kinds of needlework methods, namely flat needle embroidery, knot embroidery, satin embroidery, leaf stitching, roller stitching and long and short stitching. These needlework methods can make my embroidery patterns more vivid and expressive. In addition, I also use a variety of colours of silk thread for embroidery, so that the colour of the pattern has a layered effect.

       The embroidery of "Birds' Twitter and Fragrance of Flowers" took me about a week to embroider. In the process of embroidery, I learned the importance of perseverance. When I was embroidering, I once felt tired and manic, but thinking of the exquisite works after embroidery, I calmed my mood and embroidered again. That's why I was able to see such beautiful works. I think that embroidery is the same as doing other things, you can't try to get it in place in one step, and only by sticking to it can you see the final beautiful results. In addition, when I embroidered my work, I also learned the importance of concentration. If you are too eager or distracted when embroidering a work, the workmanship of the work will only be rough and cluttered. All in all, embroidery is an ancient craft that hones the patience, concentration and care of embroiderers.


  1. 伍君你好!你所制作的刺绣作品非常漂亮,使用了丰富的色彩,让图案显得非常秀丽。同时,我非常认同你所说的,刺绣是一门非常考验耐性和毅力的古老手艺,要先掌握好针法,完全静下心,才能一针一线慢慢的绣出一个精致的作品。

  2. 伍君你好!感谢您的刺绣。这幅刺绣图令我感觉生气盎然。透过观赏您的视频,可以发现首先从外围叶子的绿,一步步刺绣完整。接着再根据您所说的针绣、结粒绣、缎面绣、叶形针法、滚针法以及长短针法来看,就知道这制作过程肯定不简单,与中国结在线的艺术上有相似的地方。赏析方面的话,颜色是有层次感的,绿叶与红花更是一冷一热的色调,再加上一双带有蓝羽毛的鸟,可谓将春天的喜庆展现出来。

  3. 伍君您好!刺绣这一门传统的手工艺术,在这工业化的时代已逐渐被机器所取代。由于其需要耗费非常多的时间、精力与耐心,导致现今社会传承这门艺术的手艺人已然不多。通过您的分享,我了解了刺绣原来有着如此多的种类,更惊讶于小小一方巾竟然需要六种刺绣针法。我非常倾佩于您的耐心与毅力,在制作时不仅用心地一针针绣出图案,在配色方面也非常的讲究,最终形成如此漂亮的绣品。

  4. 伍君同学好,我认为你的刺绣非常好看,单面绣的艺术不输于双面绣。同时,透过你的单面绣的作品,我可以感受到“鸟语花香”这个寓意,图案也十分精致,色彩缤纷的。伍君同学刺绣出的鸟雀与桃花颜色煞是艳丽,有渐变感,非常引人注目。

  5. 伍君你好!看了视频后我非常喜欢你所绣的“鸟语花香”刺绣是古代的一门艺术代表当时女人的一种美的形象。通过你的视频让我感受到刺绣的美尤其是在配色方面也非常的有层次感让整幅图非常的优雅。

  6. 伍君同学,你好!“鸟语花香”这幅绣品色彩缤纷,一眼望去就能感受到一股春意盎然的气息。从你的分享中,得知你使用六种针绣法来完成这幅单面绣,让我感受到你的认真、耐心及坚持之心。最终的绣品栩栩如生,针线颜色的层次感使得整幅绣品更为艳丽,能确切体会到你的用心。

  7. 伍君同学你好。我很赞同你所说的刺绣不要妄想一步到位,因为刺绣的过程非常需要时间和精力。谢谢你的分享,让我也学到了你所使用的六种针绣法,每一种都有不一样的步骤,可想而知这一门艺术并不是一朝一夕就能领会的。你的作品十分的精致好看,绣面也很整齐,可见你在过程中花了很多心思。刺绣至今已经2000多年的历史,在许多古装剧中我们都可以看到主角会在帕子上或是衣物上刺绣,不仅是为了过时间,我想也是为了让衣物上有着吉祥或是美好寓意的图案吧,就如你的作品“鸟语花香”,让人感受到一股春天的气息。

  8. 伍君同学好。刺绣这门手艺其实不是很难,如果说难那是因为非常考验人的耐性和毅力,针线的使用以及针法都是需要一段时间锻炼的。刺绣的图案都是制作者用心一针一线慢慢绣出来的,不同的图案也有着不同的寓意,像是在绣制时也把这份祝福的心意融入进作品里。透过你的刺绣让我看到了线的艺术美。

  9. 伍君同学你好,谢谢你的分享让我理解刺绣有着各种针绣法如平针绣、结粒绣、缎面绣、叶形针法、滚针法以及长短针法。绣者通过针线与不同的技法赋予作品生命力,表达出意境之美,证如伍君同学所说的不同绣品有着不同寓意。

  10. 伍君同学你好。你的作品太精致,太漂亮了。感谢你的分享。“鸟语花香”这副单面绣作品真的让人一看就觉得是在春天里的一幅漂亮的风景。一幅作品运用了六种针绣法展现出了你对作品认真,每种绣法都需要时间去学习,真的很佩服。希望有机会可以让我和你学习一小部分的绣法。

  11. 伍君同学你好。透过你的刺绣作品,我了解到了刺绣中的针绣法,如缎面绣、结粒绣、滚针法。你的刺绣作品有着栩栩如生的感觉,并且巧妙地技巧让作品能够表达它的意境,而不同刺绣品有着不同的寓意。


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