





脸谱介绍(Introduction to Peking opera mask


      Peking opera facial painting and masks originated from masks and totems. In ancient China, there was witch dance in human sacrificial activities. Dancers often wore primitive masks to dance and perform witchcraft ceremonies. Facial painting and masks refer to the colourful makeup on the faces of actors or the graphic paintings on masks in traditional Chinese dramas. The painting methods of Peking Opera masks can be divided into three categories: rubbing the face, wiping the face and hooking the face. The shape and painting of masks mainly use symbolic, exaggerated colours and lines to highlight the image and personality of a specific character. Through related colours, it expresses the evaluation of a character and enables people to generate a rich imagination to think about a specific character's features. Those audiences who are familiar with the art of facial painting and masks can distinguish from the facial painting whether a character belongs to a hero or a bad person, is wise or prone to stupidity, loved or hated by others.





    In ancient China, human sacrificial activities began to perform witchcraft dances and rituals with primitive masks. With the evolution and development of dynasties, Chinese drama and facial painting and masks have also begun to enter a prosperous stage. In the process of facial painting and masks, I learned how to draw and distinguish a part of the masks, and also analyse the personalities and characteristics of the masks through the colour of the facial paintings. The main facial paintings and masks that I created this time were "Guan Yu" and "Jiang Wei" from the Three Kingdoms era, " Wukong" from Journey to the West, and " Dou Er Dun " from the Qing Dynasty.

    "Guan Yu" belongs to the whole face. The overall colour of the masks is mainly red. There are some changes in the eyebrows and forehead. The composition is simple. "Red" symbolises "loyalty" and "courage”. "Jiang Wei" belongs to the three tiled faces, and the "red" is the most obvious colour, but there are also "white" and "black" on the facial painting and mask. " Wukong" belongs to the pictographic mask. It has the red and white colour on the mask. Red and white colour symbolising loyalty and uprightness, but also scheming and cunning character. Wukong facial painting is mainly characterised by monkey shape and artistic exaggeration. “Dou Er Dun” belongs to the blue face, showing his character of boldness, scheming and rebelliousness. On the face of " Dor Er Dun ", there is a pair of black double hooks drawn on the eyebrows, which represent the weapon used by " Dor Er Dun ". “Dou Er dun”'s facial makeup in Peking Opera belongs to "Orchid Three Tiles", which is one of the "Three Tiles" masks.

    The shape of each mask is realistic, colourful, charming and vivid, just like you see the real face or imagine a real person is right in front of you. Facial painting and masks are a part of Chinese culture. We can imagine the specific heroes through the facial paintings and masks, and recognize the characteristics of different historical figures.


  1. 智阳你好!京剧脸谱并不是想象中那么容易制作、上色,需要去构思符合人物的形象和个性的色彩与线条,以便看者能一眼看出是哪个角色,这并不是一天的功夫就能上手的。你所制作的京剧脸谱,各个线条清晰,色彩鲜明。我也从中了解脸谱上的每个颜色都有其意义。

  2. 智阳你好!感谢您多样化的京剧脸谱,让我大饱眼福。您制作的脸谱色彩鲜艳,对人物的上色也挺有研究,让我知道了不同的颜色是能“谱”出君子或小人之面貌的。比较令我惊艳的是红黑配色的关羽,血性方刚;孙悟空的尖脸勾眉也传神。而脸谱的发挥空间就是脸部,因此可观察您在空间的绘画、配色上都均匀适当,都运用得技艺娴熟了,

  3. 智阳你好!透过你的分享,我简略地了解到京剧脸谱。绘画脸谱的过程中,颜料不能太过浓,也不能太过淡,因为太淡太湿的话颜料马上会流掉。我觉得勾线可不是件轻松的事儿,一旦不小心把线勾过度就需要把线条内的颜色全涂完后再用颜料将边给修平,这就会耗费时间。京剧脸谱表现出符合人物性格的基本神气,也是脸谱的色彩和纹榉的综合效果。

  4. 智阳你好,在你绘画的过程中,你使用了各种颜来上色,勾勒最后修饰完成,这些步骤都需要耐心和细心。另外,我观察到脸谱颜色很多,非常丰富,有红色、黄色、白色、黑色等各种各样的颜色,其中红色最多。透过你的讲解让我感受到京剧脸谱另类的艺术与美,对京剧脸谱有新的认识,如何分辨角色的特质,让我感到有趣,原来不同的颜色代表着不同的性格。


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