





中国画的介绍Introduction of Chinese Painting


        Chinese painting is a traditional Chinese painting form, and it is also one of the four arts of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. The themes of Chinese painting can be divided into literati painting, landscapes, flowers and birds, etc. Literati painting developed in the Song Dynasty. Before the Song Dynasty, drawing materials were expensive, so the subjects were mostly portraits of nobles. After the Ming Dynasty, Chinese painting began to spread to the public and became a part of citizens' lives, and genre paintings also came into being. Modern Chinese painting has made breakthroughs and developments in inheriting traditions and absorbing foreign techniques. In the history of fine arts, Chinese paintings before the Republic of China were all called ancient paintings, while Chinese paintings did not have a name in ancient times, and were generally called Danqing. The tools for painting Chinese paintings were indispensable for ancient literati. Chinese paintings were mostly painted on rice paper with brushes dipped in water, ink and color. Therefore, the tools and materials include brushes, colour, ink, and rice paper.

鉴赏与心得 Appreciation


        I chose to paint bamboo because bamboo symbolizes high integrity, which is a spiritual symbol for literati and spiritual support for scholars. Even Mr. Zheng Banqiao wrote a poem about bamboo's unyielding and proud character. ThenI chose to paint lotus because the lotus is fragrant and clean, turbid and clear. The lotus is not stained, symbolizing the noble literati ideals. The homonym of "he" in "Lotus" is harmony, so lotus is also endowed with a beautiful meaning of harmony. I chose to paint cymbidiums because cymbidiums have the reputation of being a gentleman among flowers, and they are also regarded as a symbol of elegance. In the end, I chose to paint chrysanthemum because it is a famous traditional Chinese flower. It is beautiful and colourful, but it does not win by its charming beauty, but by its simplicity and steadfastness.


      Before taking this course, I didn't know much about Chinese painting. I only knew that it was painted with ink and basic colours, but I never went to paint officially. So this time I'm very lucky to be able to formally come into contact with Chinese painting through the course of Chinese Art. Chinese painting seems simple. In fact, it takes a lot of hard work to paint well. During this period, I learned a lot, such as the tone of ink when painting such as thick, light, and clear, or the way of using brushes. From the first time I started to draw a picture, I used a lot of paper, but I am also learning from it. Although the works I painted in the end were not good, I learned a lot from them. I also felt the peace of mind in the process of painting, which made me temporarily forget the troubles in life and just want to concentrate on finishing the work in front of me. I think this is also one of the charms of Chinese painting. I think I will continue to make Chinese paintings if I have free time because this is really a meaningful hobby.


  1. 湘婷同学,你好!从你画的竹子作品中,我能看出竹子那坚强、不屈不服、昂然挺立的品格。竹叶的墨含有不同层次的深度,成为这幅作品的特别之处。在观看你的视频时,从你作画的过程中,可见你的认真,给予人一种平静的感觉,如同你所分享的“感受到了心灵上的平静”。

  2. 湘婷同学好,我非常欣赏你的作品。你的作品以花为主,让我看到了不同的花在用墨上各有不同。从竹子画中,竹枝墨色的变化和手力度的把握及竹叶的墨的浓淡变化让整幅画更有灵魂及生动。荷花、兰花和菊花的作品中的含义及呈现都让我感觉到你对中国画的喜爱及往后的坚持。

  3. 湘婷同学好,看完了你的视频,非常享受。你在画中国画的时候是非常自由、自在的。可见中国画真的可以陶冶性情。在画的时候需要注意手的力度。如果不小心太大力或太小力会影响作品。在你画的竹子中看出了坚强不屈的态度。有机会可以向你讨教下画中国画的心得。

  4. 湘婷同学你好,我非常喜欢你的水墨画,三个作品都各具特色,很好看。我最喜欢的作品莫过于竹子那个作品。通过这个作品不难看出你的技术。这是因为我从你的作品中看见了黑白颜料的层次也就是黑、白、灰,让整部作品看起来别有一份韵味。希望日后能向你请教关于水墨画。谢谢你的分享。

  5. 湘婷同学你好,看完了你的视频与作品分享后,顿时让我觉得这里的出淤泥而不染指的不只是这些植物的属性,还有属于中国画的"出淤泥而不染"。黑色,给人的印象是压抑与黑暗,运用的不好的时候甚至让人觉得浑浊。在这些作品中,你运用了黑白色,但是却能让我感受到清新的感觉。我觉得这就是中国画的魅力,虽然中国画很多运用到了黑色来晕染,但是当我们在观看的时候却有一种放松解压的感觉。我想这是属于中国画的"出淤泥而不染"。虽是黑色,可带出的感觉却是那么轻松舒服。

  6. 湘婷同学你好。通过你的讲解,我不仅了解到了中国画根据时代的变化原来还有许多种类如世俗画,也了解到画中内容如花朵、竹等的寓意。例如,“荷花”里的“荷”谐音为和,故荷花还被赋予祥和,和气的美好寓意。通过你对荷花的用色也非常用心,有使用粗细笔画和颜色深浅勾勒出整朵“出淤泥而不染”的荷花,可看出在画中国画中时需付出极大的耐心,因为只要有一笔画错,那全画就就毁了。希望有机会在你作画时从旁观看。


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