



语录:一双手、一张纸 、一把剪刀———“咔嚓、咔嚓,传承技藝。


剪纸介绍(Introduction of Paper-Cutting


Paper-cutting is one of the oldest Chinese folk arts, and as a kind of hollow art, it can give people a sense of visual permeability and artistic enjoyment. Paper-cutting uses scissors to cut paper into various patterns, such as window flowers, wallflowers and lantern flowers. Whenever there is a festival or a new wedding, people will paste the paper cuttings on the windows, walls, doors and lanterns of their homes, and the festive atmosphere is thus heightened. In rural areas, paper-cutting is usually done by women and girls. In the past, paper-cutting was said to be a handicraft art that every girl had to master and was used as a criterion to judge brides. The art of paper-cutting in northern and southern China can express various joys and sorrows in life through a pair of scissors and a piece of paper. Paper-cutting, as a carrier of primitive art, always uses exaggerated deformation in its shape, it is good at combining objects of different space and time, changing the nature and form of the object through a kind of exaggeration and deformation, and thus changing the usual standard of the natural original shape.



首先是四喜娃娃剪纸。四喜娃娃是一种传统的喜花,用于结婚婚庆。它的造型是四个胖乎乎的娃娃,一般我们常见的是在年画里有时只有两个头一个男娃一个女娃。但身体是相连的也叫四喜娃娃。 九旱逢甘霖,他乡遇故知,同房花烛夜,金榜题名时。此人生四大喜事,“四喜娃娃”为纳吉迎详,寓意四方来喜吉祥如意。





This class gave me an insight into the art of paper cutting, which is a wide variety of paper cuts that add a lot of fun to people's lives and reflect their living conditions. The five paper cuts I made were for decorative purposes, such as “window flowers”,“ happy flowers”, and “group flowers”.

The “four happy dolls” are a traditional “happy flower” used for wedding celebrations. It is shaped as four chubby dolls, generally, we have commonly seen in the New Year paintings sometimes only two heads a male and a female doll. But the bodies are connected, also called four happy dolls. 

“The nine droughts meet the sweet rain the other country meets the old acquaintance, the same room flower candle night when the gold list title”. These four happy events in life, "four happy dolls" for the auspicious welcome details, meaning that the four sides come to happiness and good fortune.

The second is the “square victory” pattern window paper cutting. “Fang Sheng” pattern is made of two lozenges interspersed with each other, the original meaning of“ Fang” is two boats in parallel, and “Sheng” is an ornament for ancient Chinese women to bundle and ship with waist. The two rhombuses on the “Fang Sheng” pattern are intertwined and fastened to symbolize the loyal love of heart to heart, and also have the symbolic meaning of “Tongzhou”. This shape is given the auspicious meaning of "one heart, two hearts and one mind are connected".

Next is the “five-fold paper cut out of longevity peaches”. The flower is a traditional Chinese symbolic pattern. It is rounded into a doughnut shape, and the pattern formed inside symbolizes good luck and harmony. The longevity peach symbolizes longevity and is a peach that can prolong one's life in Chinese mythology.

The fourth is the “window flower” paper cutting sticker is an ancient traditional holiday custom, it is its unique generalization and exaggeration of the holiday-decorated with red fire and rich. It symbolizes the joy of the Chinese New Year.

The fifth is the paper cutting of “longevity”. "Longevity" is the most cherished thing in the ancient Chinese tradition, expressing the wish for longevity, increasing longevity and adding longevity. Paper-cutting designs the character "Shou" in a circular pattern to signify the completion of life.


  1. 睿颖你好!从你所呈现的作品中,让我了解到原来剪纸中每一图案都有其美好寓意,印证了“图必有意,意必吉祥”的说法,也从中看出其对称和平衡的特征。剪纸就是如此神奇,简单的画一画,剪一剪,小心翼翼地打开便是漂亮的窗花!就如语录中提到的,一双手,一张纸,一把剪刀,就可传承技艺,这就是剪纸艺术的特有魅力。

  2. 睿颖你好~剪纸真的是一项很考验耐心的技艺,尤其是在剪很细的部分,一旦剪错就要重画一张再剪过。在你作的作品中,可以看出四喜娃娃的作工最为复杂,尤其是线条处理的部分要非常小心。

  3. 睿颖你好!除了从你的呈现当中了解到剪纸的历史及各种寓意以外,我发现我之前从没注意到原来剪纸也可以如此可爱。我特别喜欢四喜娃娃的剪纸造型,粗粗的眉毛,凤眼和宽宽的鼻子,长得有点俗气,但是非常符合民间的审美和爱好。

  4. 睿颖同学您好!剪纸不仅仅只是中华民间众多艺术中的一种,它其实也是中华民族文化与文明历史的一种载体。正如影片中所提到到花样,花纹、图案等。这些图案、花样各自有着特殊的寓意,这些寓意便是通过剪纸传承下去的。也许通过剪纸,我们也可以窥探出中华文明发展的一些历史轨迹。

  5. 睿颖同学你好!剪纸艺术并非一举成功,需要一刀一刻,很考验功力和耐心。在你所有的作品中,我最喜欢的是四喜娃娃。四喜娃不仅仅是四子争头的有趣图案,其更为重要的是四喜娃和其他的吉祥图案一样体现出一种传统吉祥文化,深深的影响了我们的思想观念。

  6. 睿颖同学你好!感谢你的分享。剪纸艺术是中国最古老的民间艺术之一,这种民俗艺术的生存与当时候的中国节日风俗有密切的关系。你剪的剪纸都很好看。看得出来你花了很多时间来练习。如果有时间我也要去练习剪纸。

  7. 睿颖同学你好。通过你的分享,让我觉得剪纸艺术在我们的生活中真的是无处不在,它可以出现运用在任何一个节庆里。当一个人有了对象的时候,就可以将象征忠贞爱情的剪纸“方胜纹窗花剪纸”送给爱人,进入婚姻时,“四喜娃娃”就可以运用在婚庆上。慢慢的当一个人老了,“寿桃五折团花剪纸”与“寿”字剪纸就会出现在他们的寿宴上。从一个人,到两个人,甚至在一大家人一起迎接新年时,它都出现着。在过去的时代,剪纸或许就是一个人心灵的寄托与希望。希望通过剪纸“改运”,迎吉祥。最后,谢谢你辛苦的剪刻,是我们有机会见识到这些作品。


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