





书法的介绍Introduction of Calligraphy


        Calligraphy is the art of expressing thoughts, feelings and aesthetic taste through writing. The writing is the carrier, and its stippling and structure can be freely changed according to the requirements of the content it carries. Regular script, a type of Chinese character, is also called regular script, block script, true script, and regular script. Evolved from the official script. After the Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms, the Wei, Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the art of Chinese calligraphy showed an unprecedented splendour. During the Tang Dynasty, many schools of calligraphy appeared, which had a great influence on later generations. The main tools of calligraphy are brush pen, ink, paper and inkstone.



    我临摹的是欧阳询的《九成宫醴泉铭》的文字。《九成宫醴泉铭》是欧阳询最著名的楷书作品,初学楷书的书法爱好者多会练习此作品。铭文记叙了九成宫的来历,主要歌颂了唐太宗的文治武功和节俭精神。铭文中还介绍了在九成宫内发现醴泉的经过,说明了醴泉的显现是由于天子的功德。欧阳询楷书平正险绝, 被称为欧体 当世人称其楷书为唐人第一。欧体点画多中锋用笔,笔尖铺入笔毫之中,线条圆润有力,少有呆板而多活泼生动之气,于学习其他不同字体多有益处。《九成宫醴泉铭》结体修长,中宫收紧,四边开张,左敛右纵,化险为夷。字形随势赋形,左右结构作相背之势,上下结构上窄下宽,间架开阔稳定,气象庄严。其布白匀整,字距、行距疏朗,为九宫最准者。《九成宫醴泉铭》充分体现了欧阳询书法结构严谨、一丝不苟、圆润中见秀劲的特点,此碑书法,高华庄重,法度森严,笔画似方似圆,结构布置精严,上承下覆,左揖右让,无一处紊乱,无一笔松塌。



I copied the text from Ou Yang Xun's "Jiu Cheng Gong Li Quan Ming ".  " Jiu Cheng Gong Li Quan Ming " is Ou Yang Xun's most famous regular script work, and most calligraphy lovers who are new to regular script will practice this text. The inscription narrates the origin of the "  Jiu Cheng Gong ", mainly praising the Tang Tai Zong's martial arts and thrifty spirit. The inscription also introduced the discovery of Li Quan in the Jiu Cheng Gong, indicating that Li Quan’s appearance was due to the merits of the emperor. Ou Yang Xun's regular script is very dangerous, and he is called "European style". People in the world called his regular script the number one in the Tang Dynasty. "European style" stippling is mostly used by the center, and the nib is laid into the pen. The lines are round and powerful, less dull but more lively and vivid, and it is more beneficial to learn other different fonts. "Jiu Cheng Gong Li Quan Ming " has a slender body, the middle palace is tightened, and the four sides are open. The font is shaped according to the situation, and the left and right structures are opposite to each other. The upper and lower structures are narrow and wide at the bottom. The frames are open and stable, and the weather is solemn. The cloth is evenly white, and the word spacing and line spacing are sparse, making it the most accurate one in the nine palaces. The "Jiu Cheng Gong Li Quan Ming " fully embodies the characteristics of Ou Yang Xun's calligraphy of rigorous structure, meticulousness, and sleekness. The calligraphy of this stele is high and solemn, with strict rules, strokes like squares and circles, and the structure is precise and inherited. Next, keep left and right, there is no disorder, no loose strokes. 

    "Jiu Cheng Gong Li Quan Ming" has both the seal script and the official script in terms of style composition. I choose calligraphy because calligraphy needs to be calm before you can write well. I chose Ou Yang Xun's works for appreciation because his regular script is known as the number one in the Tang Dynasty. And most of the beginners who are just learning calligraphy will choose Ou Yang Xun's works for copying. From this, we can see that his calligraphy has a great influence on future generations. Fortunately, through the course of Chinese Art, I have the opportunity to get in touch with calligraphy again. Through this course, I became more interested in calligraphy. The art of calligraphy requires practice. Because of time, I still didn't write very well, but after this opportunity, I will continue to practice calligraphy and feel the art left by the ancients. Practising calligraphy can not only make the characters beautiful but also cultivate the sentiment. Calligraphy requires patience and long-lasting persistence. Therefore, while practicing calligraphy, you can cultivate your heart, which is very helpful for improving your own quality.


  1. 雯雯同学你好,《九成宫醴泉铭》是欧阳询的代表作也是保留最好的碑文。有很多初学者都被推荐此书来作为书法入门,可是我并不这样认为。临摹欧阳询的书法是有一定的难度的,不止是欧阳询还有其他的书法家碑文都具有有一定的难度。初学者若是想要习书法,建议从“永”开始练习让笔画都刻画出来再慢慢学习临摹。这首一些我学习书法的心得,我学书法有四年了真的是十分不容易也吃了不少苦头。我看得出你的用心去临摹,作为初学者已经是十分不错了假以时日的练习必定可以更上一层楼。

  2. 雯雯同学你好。欧阳询的楷书(欧楷)因一丝不苟且结构严谨而著名,故让很多书法初学者望而却步。所以我很欣赏你在初学时选择临摹欧阳询的《九成宫醴泉铭》。此外,在视频中也可看出你对欧楷笔画的讲解和书法的章法了解之深,让我获益不浅。而书法不仅仅是一个技术活,它也是传承中华民族文化、传达思想的一种方式。书法的美感不能被机器取代的,因此把书法艺术传承下去是至关重要的。继续加油!


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