




剪纸的介绍 (Introduction of paper cutting)


  Paper-cutting comes from folklore and is closely related to people's lives. Paper-cutting is also known as paper carving, window painting or flower cutting. They differ in that they are created by using scissors or a carving knife to cut patterns into the paper. Although the tools are different, the work created is basically the same. Paper-cutting is an art of hollowing out, which visually gives a sense of emptiness and artistic enjoyment. Paper-cutting originated in ancestral rituals of the ancients, it is rooted in traditional Chinese culture. Its two-thousand-year history of development has allowed it to concentrate the traditional concepts of Chinese culture, and in its evolution, it has been interwoven with the art of painted pottery and rock painting and so on, to extend the humanistic spirit and the pulse of thought of the ancient nation. Paper-cutting uses exaggerated deformation in its modelling, and is adept at combining objects from different spaces and times, changing the nature and form of the object through this technique, while altering the usual standards of the original natural form.


鉴赏与心得 (Appreciation)



  My paper cuttings included the characters for gourd joy, longevity peach, spring window flower, God of Wealth and Sycee. The gourd in the gourd joy character represents the descendants of all generations. The double joy character is cleverly structured and has four holes, symbolising men and women rejoice, and also descendants, family harmony and happiness. The second is the papercut of a longevity peach. The longevity peach has the meaning of spring, with vitality, representing eternal youth, while the word longevity in the middle has the meaning of blessing a long and healthy life. The third is the paper cut of a spring window flower. Spring is generally used as a metaphor for good luck, joy, happiness and hope, and is more often used for Spring Festival blessings. Spring Festival, the Lunar New Year, is the first day of the year in the traditional sense. The fourth is the papercut of the God of Wealth. The God of Wealth is a god in the sky, with supreme power and in the minds of the people, when power comes, money will comes. The fifth is the papercut of Sycee. Sycee is a symbol of wealth, and is also an auspicious object for seeking wealth, good fortune and stability in the home. The Sycee has always been used as a store of wealth and is a unique symbol of wealth for the Chinese people.

      All in all, I am happy that I have learnt a new skill - paper cutting. It is really an enjoyable process to be able to draw and cut a piece of paper in silence. The art of paper cutting is one of the ancient arts of the Chinese people and is an important part of traditional Chinese culture. We should pass on the skill of paper cutting better so that it can continue to flourish.


  1. 丽珊你好!从你的作品中,让我对剪纸这门艺术有了非常大的兴趣。虽然只是一张纸、一把剪刀即可完成的作品,但在制作当中其实体现了一种艺术美。视频中伴着配乐,让人期待着葫芦喜字的成品,过程中非常疗愈。而成品双喜字搭配葫芦,非常好看,不仅点缀了其作品,除了象征幸福爱情外,更是给人一种吉祥的感觉。另外,我对财神剪纸也感兴趣,希望日后有机会能向你学习剪纸。

  2. 丽珊你好!你的剪纸作品中最考验耐心和细心的就是葫芦喜字,一不小心就可能剪或浓断较细的部分,但可以从视频看出你的专注和耐心,才“生”出了这幅作品。其中,我觉得财神作品非常传神、可爱,新年临近,可将这财神爷张贴在家门前,真是讨人喜爱~

  3. 丽珊你好!如你所说剪纸的魅力就是在于其中的镂空和给人的空虚感,线条与线条之间的衔接和空隙恰当的去凸显其中的主角,让人放眼望去就知道剪的是什么。我特别喜欢双喜字的剪纸,心形的喜字加上边上的小细节很有喜庆的感觉,特别适合在中式婚礼中使用。

  4. 丽珊您好!剪纸艺术是一门有着悠久历史的中华文化。在古时候,无论是在祭祀、婚礼、佳节等重要的仪式皆可见其踪影,可见其用途之广。虽说现今社会使用剪纸作品的必要性减少了,但是每逢佳节、婚礼等节日,仍然能够看到剪纸艺术的出现。在影片中,丽珊在“囍”字中的口换成了心型,这既是丽珊的小设计,其实也是象征着中华艺术与现代接轨并相互融合的一个象征。愿剪纸艺术,能够持续在新的一个时代,绽放属于自己的魅力。

  5. 丽珊你好!一把剪刀,一张纸,就能生出艺术但每一种艺术都有自己独特的艺术风格。就如:剪纸所使用的材料(纸)和所用的工具(刻刀)就决定了剪纸的艺术风格。剪纸艺术是一门“易学”但却“难精”的民间技艺,自己在剪纸时,经常把细微处刻断,但在你的所剪的“葫芦喜字”的细微处都剪得很完美,甚是羡慕。

  6. 其中最让我印象深刻且让人一眼便觉得困难的便是那葫芦喜字。想必不仅仅需要很强的耐心,也需要很稳的刀功。那微小的细节不经让我深感佩服。丽珊同学提到剪纸的过程是一种享受和可静心的过程,这或许也是剪纸的一种魅力。不仅仅只是让观看者欣赏,和展现美化寓意,在制作的过程中也能让制作者全神专注,暂时忘却现实琐事。

  7. 丽珊同学你好,很开心能够看见你分享剪纸这一门中华艺术,让我能够看见剪纸真的就是用一把剪刀剪出了艺术。你在每个作品都非常好看!我尤其特别喜欢那一幅葫芦喜字,可以从中看出你的手是多么的巧妙,才能把这么多细小的细节都处理的那么好!在你完成作品的过程中也可以看出你是非常细心与有耐心的人,才能剪出这么多好看的作品,希望下次能够和你当面学习这门剪纸艺术。


  欢迎您来到 2022 年中华艺术云展览的小天地! 为了传承中华艺术并进一步颂扬之,此次中华艺术云展览的主题为 -- 《承艺 • 颂》。