





刺绣的介绍Introduction of Embroidery


            Embroidery has a long history of more than 2,000 years in Chinese. Embroidery is a kind of traditional Chinese handicraft that using needles to draw various colour threads go between fabrics and created drawings on it. The main of Chinese embroidery are Su embroidery, Xiang embroidery, Shu embroidery and Yue embroidery. Embroidery is a kind of decorative skill that uses silk thread or other materials to form patterns on silk, cloth and other fabrics by means of repeated punctures of needles. Embroidery patterns and styles are different with the development of the times and different embroidery patterns can show the cultural styles of different times with symbolic implications. In China, most embroidery patterns are landscape figures, flowers, grasses and insects. Embroidery developed along with sewing. Embroidery is used as an important means of decorating clothing, and is widely used in various clothing and daily necessities.




            I embroider the double sided embroidery figure mainly have wintersweet, gauze lantern and peace character. The yellow flower in the fancy work that looks like a plum blossom is actually a wintersweet. The flower language of the yellow wintersweet is strong and noble. This is because yellow wintersweet has a strong vitality,  it can bloom in the winter when other flowers are still in the dormant stage and it has a strong will. Next, the gauze lantern. Gauze lantern is a kind of lantern, is the Han characteristic handicrafts, originated in the Western Han Dynasty more than 2000 years ago. Every year on the Lunar New Year, the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month, people hang up red lanterns symbolising the meaning of reunion, to create an auspicious and festive atmosphere. Later, lanterns have become a symbol of festive for the Chinese people. Then, is the peace character. Peace means hope for peace and tranquillity without accidents. To sum up, the meaning of the whole picture is that I hope my relatives and friends who work outside can have a strong will like the yellow wintersweet outside the paper window, and can safely return home to reunite with their families and celebrate the festival.

            Through this embroidery by myself, I realised that every embroidery have its own ideas and values. This is because when one is embroidering, one's own emotions and thoughts are expressed through the embroidery. For example, if a person is thinking of the one that she loves, then the person who looks at the embroidery will feel full of love and happiness. If a person is making scenery or animal with serene mood, then the person who looks at the embroidery will feel shocking and incredible.


  1. 正莊同学你好,通过你的作品我感受到了你的用心,在这个快速的年代,谁还会愿意一针一线去刺绣呢?一针一线都是代表着不可取代的心意,把心意绣在图文里,把爱意传达在刺绣里是一件非常有意义的事情。刺绣是一种古老的传统文化,这种流传已久的文化应该继续保存下来。通过这次的视频,我也充分了解到了刺绣的制作过程与复杂程度,每一针每一线都不允许出错,要耗费不少心血和时间才能完成一件刺绣品。刺绣也有不同的类型主要有苏绣、湘绣、蜀绣和粤绣四大门类。根据宋廷菊编写的《东方收藏》,刺绣的顶峰时期是宋朝,许多创新的刺绣法都是宋朝起源。刺绣的技法有:错针绣、乱针绣、网绣、满地绣等绣法,正莊同学采用的双面绣是一种蛮古老而且绣法非常艰难复杂,需要付出更多的时间与心血来完成。非常感谢正莊同学如此费尽心思为我们呈现这门古老的艺术。

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  3. 正莊同学好,我先是看了你的成品,我个人认为能做出如此精致又小的刺绣想必是费了不少功夫在里头。从这个成品我可以感受出想要做出这样的刺绣肯定是需要一定的耐心和细心才能完成的。双面绣是在同一块底料上,在同一绣制过程中,绣出正反两面图像,轮廓完全一样,图案同样精美。不能只单单注重一面的刺绣,所以多少还是有难度的。然而,我细看了双面绣上的树枝与黄色腊梅的线条,以初学者来说,那是整齐的,有条理的,算得上精美的。

  4. 正莊同学你好,看完了你的成品真的觉得你的手好巧啊。你绣的是双面绣。这种绣法比单面的更加困难。而且绣的时候需要很认真的看好才能下手,要不然可能就会歪了或绣品会不平衡之类的。这样的传统艺术应该继续传承下去。看完之后让我也忍不住也想要去学习了。

  5. 正荘同学你好,非常感谢你的分享。看了视频以后我察觉到单面绣和双面绣的不同点。双面绣相对来说更为困难,需要兼顾双面。因此从你的作品可以看出你为这份作品下了不少苦功。同时我也认同每个刺绣品都有它自身的想法和价值存在这一观点,因为每件绣品包含了绣者的创意与情感,是有意味的艺术品。

  6. 正莊你好,感谢你对双面绣的分享。我非常喜欢你主题《愿君安好》,腊梅、纱灯和平安文字祝福和祈求着平安。制作双面绣比一般的刺绣还要艰难,更何况是在那么小的表面上刺绣。正如你所说的“情绪和思想通过作品表达”,我也能够感受到你对作品付出的真挚心意和努力。

  7. 看了正荘同学你刺绣的过程,我觉得你完全将中国的手艺美体现出来。你的刺绣作品小而精细,而且很有意义。我非常赞同你说到“一个人在绣制时会把他自身的情绪和思想通过作品表达出来”,就如人们在写书法时是透过文字;绘画时是透过线与色彩,而你将腊梅、纱灯和平安文字以线代笔呈现于布上,完全不输绘画和书法艺术,一针一线都透露出刺绣人的心意。我觉得“若你是寒中梅,我便是枝上红。东风来西风去,我依然在那”作为你的语录配合你的刺绣吊饰品非常贴切,轻巧而意浓,让我满满的感受到亲人永远都在你身边的情意。


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