





剪纸的介绍 Introduction of Paper-Cutting


Paper-cutting is a beautiful and popular hollow-out folk art in China, with profound meaning. The relevant materials of paper-cutting are closely related to the lives of farmers. They use creative graphics on the paper to record and present the content. The origin of paper-cutting comes from the pattern recording method of the ancestors. According to some archaeological remains, paper-cuts were produced as early as the Northern Dynasties (386-581). After the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the art of paper-cutting became more and more prosperous. In the Song Dynasty, the paper-cutting industry and famous paper-cutting experts began to appeared. In the Song Dynasty, paper-cutting became popular. The Ming and Qing Dynasties were the peak period of paper-cutting, and their art works have been integrated with people's daily life and festivals. In short, the origin of paper-cutting art is produced by the production of paper (Han Dynasty). Folk paper-cutting art developed maturely during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, but its real prosperity was after the mid-Qing Dynasty.


鉴赏与心得 Appreciation



In terms of appreciation of works: Pisces and goldfish are symbols of wealth, and a pair of fishes symbolises the happy affection of the couple, and also implies a wealth of children and prosperity; the group of flowers, the round paper-cut pattern, symbolises completeness; three-dimensional of the word "chun" can be hung with tassels during the festive season to express auspicious meaning; pandas embrace bamboo, pandas represent auspiciousness, and bamboo stands for ever-higher, pandas embrace bamboo metaphors for the celebration of the bamboos, metaphors that good things will come; The pole carries water, showing the life of the rural family in the past.

In summary, the steps of paper-cutting consists of conceiving patterns and cutting. During the cutting, the positive pattern (leave the line) requires "the line to connect", and the negative pattern (the line is removed) requires "the line is disconnected". Since the paper-cut works are cut out or carved out on paper, the technique of hollowing out must be adopted. Because of the hollowing, the paper-cuts that form the positive pattern must be connected by lines. Paper-cutting pays attention to lines, because the picture of paper-cutting is composed of lines. When paper-cutting deals with the image, it is necessary to grasp the characteristics of the object and to connect the lines naturally. When framing the paper-cutting of the landscape shape, the paper-cutting in the composition is different from other paintings. It is more difficult to express the overlapping layers of space, scene and image. For the connection of the image in the content, it is necessary to use combination methods, such as symmetry, uniformity, balance, combination and so on. The characteristics of paper-cutting art are mainly manifested in many aspects such as knife taste and connotation. Paper-cutting often uses "sawtooth pattern" and "crescent pattern" in order to achieve the pictogram and characteristics of a thing. This technique is naturally produced during the production process due to the cutting and movement of paper and knife. It uses the length, density, straightness, rigidity and softness, and bluntness ratio of the sawtooth to and combine the characteristics of different objects to express its texture, sense of volume, structure, etc.


  1. 慧爱同学好,我认同关于剪纸的相关素材是与农民生活息息相关的。剪纸这门艺术的原先用途其实就跟中国结一样的,是拿来记事的。当然也跟中国结一样,剪纸后来成了富有寓意的艺术和代表,也象征着人们对生活的祝福和希望。慧爱同学的作品里头,我最喜欢的是《熊猫抱竹》。首先是那讨人喜欢的图案,其次是它的寓意,“抱竹喜庆,隐喻好事将降临让人”,如同其图案一样,有着让人欢喜的祝福。

  2. 除了有对称形式的剪纸,我在慧爱同学的剪纸作品中也看到了非对称的剪纸作品,立体式的剪纸作品。通过慧爱同学的讲解,我也了解了她作品所隐含的寓意,其中最让我感兴趣的便是《熊猫抱竹》和《挑水的农家女子》,除了因为有较多的细节之外,也体现出了不同以往的剪纸形式。

  3. 慧爱同学,你好!我一直觉得剪纸这门中华艺术十分简单,就画出图案,依据图案的线条剪即可。但观看你的视频后,我才发现剪纸虽然看似简单,但实际上其步骤也有一定的难度。慧爱同学剪出的作品有一定的难度性,且含有挑战性,对此我十分赞叹,尤其是“扁担挑水”的作品。“扁担挑水”在构思图案时,就必须先下一番功夫,因为画得不好的话,剪出来的成品将失去其形象特征。在剪的步骤,也必然需要足够的耐心及细心,稍微不慎,就会出差错。欣赏你拥有足够的耐心、细心!

  4. 慧爱同学你好。我觉得你的《熊猫抱竹》和《扁担挑水》极具挑战性但也完整得挺不错的。任何人要掌握剪纸这门艺术,就需要有耐心和细心,一步一步地剪出图案,容不了半点差池,否则就得重头来过。由此可见,慧爱同学是非常用心地完成这几种剪纸!

  5. 你好,慧爱。在我还没观看你的视频呈现时,我一直以为在早期只能使用甲骨文或结绳来记事,没想到剪纸出了观赏性外,也能起到图案记录方式的作用,感谢你让我学到了未曾接触的知识。除此之外,我也非常喜欢你的其中一个作品——象征和平的熊猫和寓意长寿的竹子,而其中的“镂空之美”想必也是非常考验你的耐心,很开心你能顺利完成以上作品!希望有机会和你继续交流。

  6. 慧爱同学好,通过你的视频我才知道原来剪纸张是为了记载事件。一直以来以为剪纸只不过是为了在过年的时候图个吉利,剪几个吉祥物贴门窗。剪纸的步骤也不容易,下刀的每一步都要很小心以防剪坏了。同学真的非常用心去完成这副艺术品也解释得非常清晰,让人可以更加了解剪纸的艺术文化。我很喜欢那个熊猫抱竹,寓意很好,构思创意非常适合过年送给亲朋好友。此外,剪纸艺术真的内藏深奥的学问和复杂的技巧,要完成一个成品真的需要耗费不少心血和时间。

  7. 慧爱同学你好。我非常喜欢你的剪纸作品。通过你的分享,我第一次了解到原来剪纸的由来是和古代农民生活有关的,是图案记录方式。可以看出同学在每幅剪纸作品都非常用心的去完成。我非常喜欢你所剪的《熊猫抱竹》,熊猫真的很可爱。熊猫的外形结构和身体特征掌握的都特别好,竹子也剪得十分精致。希望有机会可以和你学习剪纸,特别是《熊猫抱竹这幅作品》。


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