









Introduction of Bamboo Flute

    Dizi is a widespread wind instrument in China. We can also call dizi as bamboo flute because it is made of natural bamboo. Even though there are many types of flutes such as stone flutes, jade flutes and flutes made of mahogany, also the bone flutes in ancient times, but the best raw material for making flutes is still bamboo. This is because the sound effect of bamboo flute is better, and the production cost is lower. Dizi is an ancient musical instrument in China. It is the most representative and the most ethnic wind instrument in China. Besides, it is also one of the commonly used horizontal blow woodwind instruments in traditional Chinese music.

    With the continuous development of the Chinese nation, the status of the flute in people's lives has become more and more important, and it has gradually become an indispensable instrument for performers. In folk music, flute has a unique art form, its sound is mellow and bright, and is has a unique artistic value. In the development of modern folk music, the inheritance and development of the flute is very important. We need to retain the fine elements in the art of flute and combine the development needs of the times to integrate traditional flute art with modern popular elements. By doing this, more people will fall in love with flute, which also effectively promotes the inheritance and development of flute.








    The song “Blue and White Porcelain” is a description of the scenes that a teenager can’t forget for a long time after he met a beautiful woman. Besides, we can also see the extensive use of metaphors and hints in the words of this song. For example, the word“Fu Bi”in the lyric is used to imply that encounter between two people is a god willing. While “Qian Chao”seems to be understood as the fate of the previous life.The subtlety, beauty, elegance and vividness of this song and the more we taste the song, the more we will feel wonderful. It can make us listen to what we've been wanting to repeat over and over again. 

    Through this coursework, I have learned a lot, especially in preparing for the coursework. I chose to play the flute for the performance of the online exhibition because of the influence of the Chinese version’s “Tik Tok”, which is also known as Douyin. There was one time that i was scrolling through Douyin, I accidentally saw the “Blue and White Porcelain” in flute version. At that time, I was thinking that this version of “Blue and White Porcelain”sounded very good, so I decided to share with everyone by playing this song in flute version for this online exhibition. In addition, as it was the first time I exposed to bamboo flute, for sure I have no idea about how the bamboo flute is played.If we want to learn by ourselves, we must work hard to find information on the internet and refer to some videos to learn how to play. When I first started learning, I was a little nervous and eager to play the flute. This caused the sound of the flute can’t come out or the sound was out of tune. During this, I felt like wanted to gave up learning the flute for several times and was thinking about changing to another art category. But in the end, I believe that I will succeed if I keep working on it. And so, there is today’s work.

In conclusion, we must calm down and relax ourselves if we want to play the flute well. Otherwise, being impatient not only won’t let you learn a song smoothly, but it will also make the situation worse.


  1. 听着笛音环绕,嘴里也不自觉的哼起了这首歌。对于音乐白痴的我来说,能在短时间内掌握一门乐器,并且能完整且一帧未剪的情况下录制完全曲,属实不易。笛声原是带来清静悠远之感,像是置身广阔无人之境而随耳听见一身笛音一样!着实感谢同学的分享!

  2. 洁宁同学好。从表演就可看出你的功底在内,中气十足,吹出来地音色清楚好听,指法娴熟,能感受到曲子意境中地激烈澎湃和情感起伏,令人不由自主地想跟着节奏哼了起来。通过你的讲解我才知道做笛子的材料可以有很多种,一直以来我以为是以竹子制作。从视频中我了解到笛子的音色可以明亮和低沉,可以渲染各种不同样的情感。

  3. 洁宁同学好,感谢你带来如此动听的表演。通过你的视频我可以更加了解笛子的类型,不同材质的笛子也会发出不同的音色。每一个笛子都有着自己的艺术价值和特点。自古乐曲是不能缺少的,人们可以用来陶冶性情也可以反映心情。我也可以更加了解吹笛子的技巧,原来有那样多技巧的。有六个音口控制高低音,高低音也仰仗于气息,真的太不容易了。气息不对也会影响演奏,要学一门乐器真的很不容易。尤其是对于一名初学者,能够完成表演真的是非常不容易也要下很多苦工。同学所演奏的青花瓷,曲调是有高低起伏也有跟着拍子走,虽然最完美的却可以带个人不一样的感觉。

  4. 洁宁同学你好!感谢你对竹笛的分享与表演。通过你对竹笛的介绍,让我更加了解竹笛所具备的特点。此外,作为初学者的你演奏的《青花瓷》可以说是非常不错的,值得赞赏。从你的演奏中,可以看出你对《青花瓷》曲调的了解和对于气息的把控,可以说是肺活量非常不错,让我感受到曲子的意境和情感。希望之后能够听到你现场演奏~

  5. 洁宁同学你好。《青花瓷》是我蛮喜欢的一首歌曲,你以竹笛来演奏的《青花瓷》悦耳动听,听着时我还跟着哼了起来。在你的心得中提到你因为“刷抖音”而开始对竹笛感兴趣,那曾经盛行一时的竹笛有没有可能在社交媒体中被传播开来,继续被“种草”呢?我认为只要有足够的热诚和动力,竹笛等民乐都能被推广。


  欢迎您来到 2022 年中华艺术云展览的小天地! 为了传承中华艺术并进一步颂扬之,此次中华艺术云展览的主题为 -- 《承艺 • 颂》。