





京剧脸谱的介绍 Introduction of Peking Opera Mask


Peking Opera Mask is one of the important elements in the art of Peking Opera’s performance. Peking Opera Mask attracts audiences’ attention with its strong colour contrast, colourful style and vivid expressions, and becomes the important element for the audiences to understand the Peking Opera. The origin of Peking Opera Mask is totem, which gradually developed into a dramatic and artistic style of Peking Opera Mask. According to the “Old Tang Book·Music History”: “Face substitutes came from the Northern of Qi Dynasty”. Prince of Lan Ling, Gao Chang Gong is valiant and good in battle, but due to his good-looking face and less prestige, he would wear a hideous mask every time he fights in a battle. In the era of Wuyue, the people at that time would paint various colors on their bodies or faces, also put on feathers or animal skins, and even colour their teeth into black to ensure the completion of their hunting, farming and other activities in order to meet the needs of production and life. The above-mentioned is the ancestor of Peking Opera Mask. In the Qing Dynasty, folk opera entered a stage of vigorous development, Peking Opera Mask was also perfected day by day, and the  basic drawing of Peking Opera Mask which are “whole face”, “three-tile face”, “cross gate face” were established during that time. 

鉴赏与心得 Appreciation


    Every style of Peking Opera Mask except the crooked face style has lines and patterns, the left and right sides must be symmetrical and they are exactly the same along a line. Through this opportunity, I also deeply realized the fascination of the Chinese nation’s culture and the importance of inheritance and promotion of the culture. The Peking Opera Mask we see today is a kind of exaggerated and freehand art. Different kinds of basic colour tones on Peking Opera Mask showing different kinds of characters, identities and their inner activities.

1.     整脸 Whole Face


The “whole face'' style of Peking Opera Mask is to apply one colour as the main colour to the entire face, then sketch the outline of the eyebrows, eyes, nose and face textures to express the expression of the character. I chose the character Guan Yu from “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms''. Guan Yu is classified as Red Whole Face, Red is generally used to indicate honesty, loyalty, bloodlines and mostly positive roles.

2.      三块瓦脸 Three-Tile Face


The “three-tile face” style of Peking Opera Mask uses the technique of exaggerating the eyebrows, eyes and nose to make the forehead and both cheeks showing three obvious main colour, which are flat like the three tiles. The character that I chose also from “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” is Xiahou Dun. Xiahou Dun can be classified as Blue Three-Tile face.Blue and green have similar meanings, both are the extensions meaning of black, indicating that the character is strong, bold, brave, etc. Sometimes it also means that the character is insidious and cunning.

3.      十字门脸 Cross Gate Face


The “cross gate face“ style of Peking Opera Mask evolved from “three-tile faces”, using abstract techniques to subtract the main colors of the cheeks. Only the colour bars from the nose to the forehead represent the main colors of the character's face, and then exaggerate the character's eyebrows and eyes to characterize the character’s special character. The character of the Peking Opera Mask that is appreciated in the video also comes from the “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” named Zhang Fei. Zhang Fei can be classified as Black Cross Gate Butterfly Face, which is a “black face”. Black masks are generally used for the honest, selfless, bold and brave characters.


  1. 沙安娜同学您好!感谢您的脸谱艺术。在我的印象中,脸谱面具都是对称的。因此,我对您制作的歪脸窦虎感到兴趣,这在对脸部的空间把握或许需要一些大胆与细心。此外,您的语录“花纹分善恶,五彩辩忠奸”也很简洁有力的介绍了脸谱艺术。不同的颜色、纹路象征不同的个性。而不同的配色则能体现人物并非单一的独特个性,尤其是您关羽的眼角处是往上勾的,是勇猛的。他日有机会可请您赐教。

  2. 沙安娜同学您好!感谢您的分享!脸谱作为京剧表演中不可缺少的道具。通过您的分享我才得知,原来脸谱拥有着非常久远的历史,甚至可以追溯至图腾。脸谱上每一种颜色、样式、符号甚至线条都有其讲究之处。通过组合再加上夸张手法,便能够将京剧表演中的人物角色的形象与气势通过图腾表现出来。最让我感到惊叹的是脸谱在细节方面的讲究,就如影片中夏侯惇眼角的符号,将夏侯惇所受的伤展现了出来,可见脸谱设计的不凡之处。而沙安娜同学所绘画的脸谱,在线条与符号的勾勒方面非常的流畅且优美,上色均匀,将京剧人物的气势与形象传神地绘画出来。

  3. 安娜同学你好啊!透过你所呈现的艺术让我更加了解到了脸谱的发展由来。其中,我觉得最有意思的是不同颜色的脸谱代表不同的意思。比如红色代表忠义,白色代表奸诈,黑色表现严肃,蓝色代表刚直,桀骜不驯等。可见这些脸谱除了有着独特的特色,还蕴含着中华民族的文化魅力。

  4. 沙安娜同学你好,谢谢你的分享,对于京剧脸谱这门艺术,我了解不多,但是透过你的在鉴赏和心得的部分讲解后,我顿时认为京剧脸谱的用意和含义都十分有趣。对于兰陵王上战场会戴上面具这点我是有所耳闻,但却没想到这是与京剧脸谱这门艺术有所联系的。京剧脸谱讲究的是脸谱色彩、线条、纹样与图案的基础。脸谱虽然来源于生活,但又是实际生活的放大、夸张的。这也是京剧脸谱有趣的部分。

  5. 沙安娜同学好。通过你的讲解我才知道原来不同的京剧脸谱是拥有不同的意思的。对于京剧脸谱我通常都是透过电视里的中国节目才有机会看见,但是随着时代的发展我现今也鲜少观看电视节目了,也就很久没接触到这类东西了。所以通过这次的线上展览了解到了一些有关京剧脸谱的知识让我觉得蛮新鲜及有趣的。

  6. 你好,沙安娜。从你的几个作品中就可以知道你是个注重细节的人。首先从你的讲解中即可得知脸谱的线条其实都是包含各种含义的,而线条也成为了辨别整脸、三块瓦脸、十字门脸的标准。接着,从颜色反面来看,在你的讲解后我才明白原来各种呈现在脸谱的颜色都代表着人物的性格、身份以及内心活动。对我来说,这是非常新鲜的,比如说张飞脸谱上的黑色也代表着正直无私,而这也源自于关公的面容。希望未来有机会可以和你继续交流更多有关脸谱的知识。

  7. 沙安娜同学你好,谢谢你的分享。虽然小时候曾看过京剧,但对于京剧的脸谱呈现不甚理解。通过你的视频让我理解了表演者脸上的脸谱具有许多不同的含义。同时理解了脸谱以不同线条、形状和色彩进行组合,构成人物的性格、身份和内心活动,体现了艺术中不同形式的美。

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  9. 沙安娜同学你好,感谢你对于京剧脸谱的分享!在我还没正式去理解京剧脸谱这项中华艺术之前,我以为脸谱所画的都是鬼面具,是具有恐怖象征的一种艺术。通过你的分享我才慢慢了解了脸谱的起源与发展。我了解到了脸谱无论是从颜色上的讲究,还是线条勾勒上的技巧都极具其独特之处。感谢你对于每一个脸谱创作作品的细心,看着很赏心悦目,呈现得非常传神。

  10. 沙安娜同学,你好。感谢你对于京剧脸谱的分享。在中国古典戏曲里,人们用不同的颜色,在人物的脸上勾画出特定的图案,描绘出不同角色的面部特征,称之为“脸谱”。无论是从颜色上的讲究,亦是线条勾勒上的技巧你都将脸谱的神韵描绘得绘声绘色,传神度极高。


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