





剪纸的介绍Introduction of paper cutting






    Paper cutting also known as paper carving, window painting or cutting. Paper cutting is the use of scissors or carving knives to cut and engrave images of people, flowers, birds, animals, insects and fish, landscapes and other images on paper. These convex and concave patterns express blessings, exorcism, exhortation, caution, fun and other symbolic meanings. Paper cutting has a long history and is also one of the most popular folk arts in China. The origins of the art of paper-cutting can be attributed to the  three main types.

    The first is witchcraft. Its form can be traced back to the earliest form of art, rock painting. The ancient people would draw images such as animals on rocks which was originally based on a witchcraft ritual or worshiped as tribal totem symbols. Thus, the art of paper-cutting originated from the awe  and worship of human beings to nature.

    The second is notation. The rock art just mentioned is also an expression of notation. Because the ancient people will use the imagery of the carving to teach the tribe to know the appearance, habits and capture skill of the prey; or used to record the major events or joyful scenes in the tribe. The continuation of this form of recording can still be found in modern paper-cutting art.

    The third is the transmission of skills. Because before the invention of papermaking, the way the ancients passed on their skills was usually engraved on stones. Later, the invention of bronze made some patterns recorded in bronze. The descendants  gradually found that the template inherited from this skill transmission had a unique sense of beauty, so they began to use the form of gold and silver to produce this early form of paper cutting for decoration. After the invention of paper making, the transmission of these decorative patterns became more convenient and quicker.

    In addition, the basic material for paper cutting is paper. It can be monochromatic or multi-colored, although red is generally the dominant color. Then, the decorative language of paper-cutting is very diverse. It can have long and short lines, curved lines, jagged lines, leaf patterns, dotted flowers, and others. The decorative languages will be used in the form of paper cutting.















Paper cutout of the character "Fu":

The word "Fu" symbolizes good fortune and happiness. It is usually pasted on the door to welcome the Chinese New Year and to show that there will be good fortune in the coming year.

"Double happiness" paper cutting:

"Double happiness" generally appears in festivals such as weddings, full moon, housewarming and other festivals. The word "happiness" is used to wish for harmony between husband and wife, longevity for the elderly and so on. It can create a very festive atmosphere.


Graphic decoupage of "Fish":

"Fish" is a symbol of good luck, and "fish" is harmonious with "Yu", which means " Yearly surplus" in Chinese. The "fish" has auspicious imagery in the paper cutting of the Spring Festival.


Paper cutouts of the Chinese character "chun":

"chun" is known as auspicious, joyful, happy and hopeful. However, it is more used for Spring Festival blessings.


  1. 华丽同学好,透过你的剪纸的介绍,我是首次了解到剪纸这门艺术原先的用途是巫术仪式,同时也了解到剪纸的艺术起源是于人类对大自然的敬畏和顶礼膜拜。此外,透过你的视频,我熟知了剪纸这门艺术在线条上也非常讲究,如同华丽同学提到的“长短线,有弧线,有锯齿线”,这些也许就是剪纸艺术的关键部分。

  2. 华丽同学你好,看了你的解说,我认为剪纸十分考验耐心,是一门技术活。剪纸是华人传统节庆的艺术成品,多用以装饰之用,可显现出它独特的文化背景和寓意。恰巧临近新年,我认为“鱼”的图形剪纸拿来做为新年装饰最适合不过了。这是因为“鱼”的寓意也是非常美好的,象征着了年年有余。希望日后能向你请教关于剪纸艺术,谢谢分享。

  3. 华莉同学好,在日常生活中很常会看到剪纸艺术,人们会把剪纸做为一种家居的装饰品,特别是在新年时人们会贴上窗花,除了是渲染新年气氛,也寓意着吉祥如意。剪纸的制作并非我们看似的简单,就如视频中的春就非常考验剪纸技巧,剪错一刀就需重来。观看了你的视频让我感到有些兴趣,想学习一些简单的剪纸,贴在家中做装饰。

  4. 华莉同学你好,通过你的讲解后,我理解到了剪纸背后的历史与演变过程。我认为剪纸是一个非常好玩的活动,且需要的材料也不多,证如华丽所说的一张纸,一把剪刀,咔嚓咔嚓,万物重现,谢谢你的分享。

  5. 华莉同学你好,我知道剪纸艺术已经被列入第一批中国“非物质文化遗产名录”里。经过你的分享,我了解了剪纸是需要小心谨慎的艺术。如果一不小心剪多了或剪歪了作品就会失败了。看完了你的视频忍不住动手去剪了。

  6. 华莉同学你好!感谢你对剪纸的介绍与分享。通过你对剪纸的介绍,让我了解了原来剪纸这门艺术的历史原来是如此久远,也看到了从古至今剪纸的变化。此外,我认为剪纸也需要具备细心和耐心去进行设计和裁剪,通过剪纸不仅可以锻炼考验个人的剪纸技巧,同时也考验个人的耐心。如今,我们可以以随处可见的材料和工具如纸张、剪刀、刻刀等来进行剪纸,所以我也忍不住想要尝试剪纸这门艺术。

  7. 华莉同学你好。通过你的讲解我才了解到原来剪纸是从岩画演变而来的。此外,我很喜欢你的“福”字剪纸。这是因为一般都会把贴在门上来迎春纳福,表示来年会有福气。但是,平常我们看到的“福”字都是以书法书写后再贴在门上的。我从未看过以剪纸剪出的,因此我希望来日有机会和你学习剪纸艺术。


  欢迎您来到 2022 年中华艺术云展览的小天地! 为了传承中华艺术并进一步颂扬之,此次中华艺术云展览的主题为 -- 《承艺 • 颂》。