





剪纸的介绍(Introduction of Paper-Cutting)




Paper-cutting is also known as carved paper. The difference is that when creating, some use scissors and some use cutters. Although the tools are different, the created works of art are basically the same. People collectively call them paper-cutting.  Paper-cutting can also be said to be a kind of hollow art and the most popular folk art. It gives people a sense of emptiness and artistic enjoyment visually. The carrier can be paper, gold and silver foil and other sheet materials.

In the early stages of formation, paper cutting is mainly cut with scissors. Later, it gradually developed to carving with a knife, but it is still called paper-cutting. After a long period of artistic practice, the art of paper-cutting becomes more complex, from roughness to fineness. 

In general, the art of paper-cutting is still one of the ways Chinese people use to express their thoughts and emotions. It penetrates into the folks, showing people's interactive care and artistic creativity.




         The paper-cut works that I want to appreciate are Cattle, Zhaji Doll and Dragon. People usually regard cattle as a representative of diligence and sincerity, especially in the past farming society, without the assistance of modern mechanized farming operations, so the role of cattle in agricultural farming is very important. And it is precisely because the cow plays an important role in human beings that we can see the image of the cow in many traditional folk paper-cut artworks which means that there will be a lot of money in the next year. The “Zhaji Doll '' is one of the most ancient, exaggerated, simple, and festive images in Chinese folk paper-cutting art. The doll stands in front of it with a round head, shoulders flat, arms drooping or raised, legs separated and both hands outside. The Zhaji doll-the god of life and reproduction, a symbol of auspiciousness and happiness. The most prominent function is reproduction, followed by exorcising ghosts, warding off evil spirits, evocative spirits, and so on. She is a relic of a primitive totem culture of female reproduction worship in matrilineal clan society. The prototype can be traced back to ancient historical myths and legends Nu Wa. The dragon is a unique cultural cohesion and accumulation of Chinese people which has been rooted and deeply hidden in each of our subconsciousness. The dragon represents a symbol of power, nobility, and honor in traditional Chinese culture, and it is also a symbol of luck and success. The dragon also has another cultural symbolism, namely: outstanding and extraordinary. The dragons are fetish, comparable to extraordinary people.

Finally, through this coursework, I want to promote the art of paper-cutting even more because the beauty of its form and the emotion it expresses shocked me. I also hope that through this Chinese art activity more people will like it. Paper-cutting is an art activity.


  1. 心萍你好!剪纸这种民间艺术一直以来在民间广泛流传,所剪的都是民间常见的题材。我特别喜欢你的剪纸作品——“牛”。因为整个牛的细节都展现在这张剪纸当中,像牛的毛发、牛角甚至还有边上的草等等。

  2. 心萍你好!作为剪纸艺术的成员之一,我非常欣赏您的作品。剪纸艺术的过程是时而大胆时而细心的,细心的部分就在于锯齿纹等较为复杂的细节,必须让手腕、红纸、脑筋都一并转起来,才能在细节部分中做到“没有多余的钝齿状”。而透过您的作品,不论是阴刻阳刻的牛,亦或是抓髻娃娃等,那些如烟火般四散的柳叶纹,粗细有致的锯齿纹,是那么的和谐、精致,以“南方剪纸”的类型为您的作品分类再适合不过。剪出花样!

  3. 心萍同学好,透过你的视频讲解,我对剪纸有了兴趣。虽然我没有真正做过剪纸艺术,但是我从你的视频里看出剪纸如同写书法那样,需要控制好力道去剪纸,每个细节部位都要处理好,稍有不慎就可能要重新剪过。我认为剪纸这门艺术实属考验细心!

  4. 心萍同学你好。看完了你的视频,我才明白原来剪纸不只是使用剪刀去剪,还可以用刻刀,但在制作过程中也得非常小心,控制好力道,一不小心也许作品就出现了瑕疵。从你准备作品的过程中我也看到了你的用心,因为你的作品都是有非常多小细节的,这些小细节都需要时间去细心刻制,尤其是抓髻娃娃,让我叹为观止,非常感谢你的细心准备。

  5. 心萍同学你好,纸艺这门艺术我觉得非常不容易呈现的,要具有很大的耐性慢慢去剪出来,每一个作品都是来之不易。我本身是没有接触过这门艺术的可是我非常喜欢剪出来的形状,那种努力过后收获的成功。每逢新年我都会看见街坊邻里开始剪红纸剪出各种吉祥物来贴在门口外迎新春。这一门手艺真的非常心灵手巧还有无比的细心才能完成,看得出同学十分用心去呈现这个作品了。通过同学的作品还可以了解到古时候的吉祥物和图腾令人获益匪浅。

  6. 心萍同学你好,谢谢你的分享。我很喜欢你所剪的牛(剪纸作品),惟妙惟肖,给予了我视觉上享受。同时我也了解到牛有着更深层的寓意,就好比如财源满满。

  7. 心萍同学你好。感谢你的分享。你的剪纸作品看起来需要很大的挑战性。我最喜欢你剪的抓髻娃娃。好好看啊!还真的如你的主题一样——惟妙惟肖啊。古人把剪纸贴在屏风、门窗上,目的是为了求得风调雨顺、幸福如意。我觉得这样的风俗可以延续下去。

  8. 心萍同学你好,通过你对剪纸艺术的介绍,我了解到了原来剪纸因有使用刻刀,因此也也叫刻纸。我很喜欢你的剪纸作品—“牛”。通过你的讲解可看出牛是具有“时代意义的”,因牛在农业中贡献举足轻重,因此对当时农民来说是很有意义的。而阴刻阳刻的牛我觉得都具有好的寓意。剪纸需要的工具较锋利,练习时你应该也有受过伤,然而你还是没放弃继续传承这门手艺让我佩服不已。


  欢迎您来到 2022 年中华艺术云展览的小天地! 为了传承中华艺术并进一步颂扬之,此次中华艺术云展览的主题为 -- 《承艺 • 颂》。