



语录: “一针一线”均是情,“绣出平安”靠辛勤




Introduction of Embroidery

    Embroidery, also known as “embroidered”or “silk embroidery”, is one of the traditional Chinese folk handicrafts. In ancient times, embroidery was mostly made by women, so it was an important part of “fancywork”. Embroidery is inseparable from sericulture and silk reeling, and China was the first country in the world that discovered and used silk. People started sericulture and silk reeling 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. Therefore, with the use of silkworms, silk weaving was created and developed, and the craft of hand embroidery gradually emerged. Embroidery has different styles in different places, and the most famous ones are the four famous embroideries, namely Suzhou embroidery, Sichuan embroidery, Hunan embroidery and Guangdong embroidery. In short, there are four main categories of Chinese embroideries which are Suzhou, Hunan, Shu and Guangdong.










Hand embroidery refers to the way by hand, is an art of adding human designs and fabrication to any existing fabric using needles and threads. It is one of the representatives of Chinese culture and art. According to the division by the face of the embroidery, embroidery can be divided into single-sided embroidery and double-sided embroidery. Single-sided embroidery means that only the front side can be seen while double-sided embroidery means that both sides can be viewed. My first work was single-sided embroidery, and my second work was double-sided embroidery.

There are many different stitches used in embroidery and each has its own characteristics. In the first work (single-sided bamboo embroidery), a total of four embroidery stitches are used, namely satin, straight, outline and long and short stitches. In the second work (double-sided embroidery with an antique style), satin, straight, outline and backstitch embroidery are used.

Each of the embroidered themes has a deep meaning. For example, the bamboo in the first work is one of the Four Gentlemen of Flowers, which is a symbol of the gentleman and a theme of traditional Chinese culture. In addition, bamboo also has a symbolic meaning of peace and is often used to wish for peace and good fortune. The second work contains flowers, a moon and a rabbit. The first is the flower. In traditional concepts, flower patterns generally imply wealth and prosperity while the plum blossom in the work has a symbolic meaning of auspiciousness and peace. The plum blossom has five petals, symbolising the five blessings of happiness, blessedness, longevity, smoothness and peace. Next is the moon, which also has a very rich meaning and symbol. The moon is a carrier of human lovesickness, implying the lovesickness between lovers and also expressing people's nostalgia for their hometown, their relatives and friends. Therefore, people will use this moon to express their feelings of longing. Next is the rabbit, which also has many meanings, such as positivity, kindness, transcendence, peace, longevity and so on. The rabbit in the second work is looking at the moon and animals looking at the moon is a common theme on ancient Chinese porcelain, such as a qilin looking at the moon, the pegasus looking at the moon, etc. which are given the beautiful meaning of yearning for the peaceful and tranquil atmosphere of the moon palace.

From work one (single-sided bamboo embroidery) to work two (double-sided embroidery with an antique style), it took me about five days to complete. Embroidery is not easy but also not difficult, because for beginners, it is difficult at first but it won't be difficult after getting the basics. Embroidery is difficult to stick to it because embroidery is to take a needle and stab it one by one, what is it needs carefulness, patience, time and persistence, so if a person can't sit still, can't quietly concentrate and can't persist, then embroidering won’t be able to continue.

Embroidery is a kind of fine work, we must focus on it carefully, because if we are not careful, we will make mistakes like embroider wrongly and if we are distracted, we will stab ourselves. Therefore, learning to embroider can help to improve concentration and hone our patience. Lastly, through embroidery, I understood a truth: that is you have to be persistent and you can't do things for three minutes or even retreat from a difficult task.


  1. 芯仪你好!我特别喜欢你的单面绣竹子的作品,竹子挺拔,叶子顺着竹子徐徐展开,每一片叶子的颜色深浅都不一样,非常有层次感。

  2. 芯仪同学好,你的第二个作品,也就是花、月亮与兔子非常吸引我,其颜色鲜艳,再者是线条井井有条,非常整齐。据我了解,双面绣是有难度的,为了保持绣出的正反两面图像的轮廓必须一样,而且图案也要同样精美的,所以我认为芯仪同学能做出图案精美的双面绣,也是颇有才能的。

  3. 芯仪同学好。从你这两个作品我可以看见你的用心。你不嫌麻烦地绣制了单面绣和双面绣,让大家看见了当中的差别。在绣制双面绣最难的部分就是图案中细小的部位,因为它不能像单面绣那样可以在背面收针,而是要找好周围已绣制好的部位,把线藏在当中。所以在绣制双面绣的时候要十分谨慎和注意,不然可能还没绣成,绣布就先破了。

  4. 芯仪同学你好!正如你的语录—“一针一线”均是情,“绣出平安”靠辛勤。刺绣这项手工艺术不是一朝一夕就能完成,需要制作者一针一线地慢慢把作品绣制出来。此外,你呈现的作品有绣制单面绣和双面绣,让我更能明白单面绣和双面绣的同时也了解到它们的差异。

  5. 芯仪同学,你好!你所刺绣出来的竹子给我的感觉是带有点活泼的,仿佛被风吹,却屹立不倒。第二幅作品则是双面绣,我欣赏你的毅力及坚持,因为双面绣比单面绣更为有难度。想必芯仪同学在绣这幅作品时,花费了比单面绣更为多的精力、耐心、专注力,才能绣出如此精致的绣品。佩服你的坚持不懈,欣赏你的心灵手巧!

  6. 芯仪你好,你所绣的两幅作品都很漂亮,颜色用料都非常和谐,使图案变得生动。另外,刺绣活是非常需要耐心以及眼力,从一开始在布进行刺绣工作到最后完成。透过你的分享,我感受到了古代女子都要学的刺绣之美,从一针一线下形成的美包含了无数的心思和情感。

  7. 芯仪同学你好,你制作的两个作品都非常漂亮。通过你的作品也让我明白了原来刺绣中的每一样东西都有其含义,就好比竹子一样,竹子有着寓意平安,用来祝福平安吉祥,因此每个图样都蕴含着美好地寓意。刺绣不仅要心平气和,更需要在一针一线中绣上自己的心意与情感。谢谢你的分享。

  8. 芯仪你好,我在之前有接触过刺绣,曾经也刺绣了一个香包赠人。在我看来,单面绣已经具备相当高的难度了,但你还挑战了难度更高的双面绣,这是十分考验刺绣者的耐心的,想必这也是你想从你主题中“静绣平安”的“静”想表达的意思吧。除此之外,我也从中理解到了刺绣图案是包含各种美好的寓意的。希望有机会和你切磋切磋刺绣这么细心活。

  9. 芯仪同学你好!感谢你为我们带来如此优秀的刺绣作品。之前我也曾接触过十字绣一段时间,但未曾了解刺绣有多少种针法。通过你的讲解,让我了解了原来刺绣针法还有分成缎面绣、直线绣、轮廓绣、长短针绣、回针绣等。同时,也让我知道了原来每一副刺绣都有着吉祥的含义,正如你在视频中所说的“图必有意,意必吉祥”,这句话也恰好证明了中华民族对于吉祥的向往。最后,也让我从你的作品中了解了唯有具备了耐心、细心、专注、坚持,才能绣出如此精致的图案。

  10. 芯仪同学你好。你的两幅作品都非常的精致和优秀。因为我从来没有接触过刺绣艺术,只是在电视剧中看过。通过你的分享,我才了解到刺绣原来有这么多针绣法。你所展示的单面绣和双面绣作品非常吸引我的目光。尤其第二幅花、月亮和兔子的刺绣作品,非常的生动和活泼。你的作品让我觉得有一种很温柔可爱的感觉。也感谢同学的分享让我理解到各个图案所含有的寓意。


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