





中国古典舞介绍 Introduction of Chinese Traditional Dance


             Chinese Traditional Dance, as the name suggests, originated in ancient China. Traditional dance emphasizes the body rhyme of "the combination of body and soul, the integration of body and mind, and the unity of internal and external." The style of Chinese Traditional Dance has formed an aesthetic characteristic of exquisite and roundness, harmony of strength and softness, blending of scenes, and combination of skills, as well as perfect harmony and high unity of essence, energy, spirit and hands, eyes, body, method, and steps. Traditional dance is actually a beautiful dance with rigorous formulas and standardized movements.

鉴赏与心得 Appreciation







               The song of my Chinese Traditional Dance which I presented is "Half Pot Shade".

            The song tells about the heroine preparing to get married as the newlyweds. It also tells about the peach blossom season on the day of her marriage, and she married in the most beautiful dress and most graceful posture. Therefore, I chose to shoot this dance video outdoors. Although there is no peach blossom, I chose a place with mountains and waters. My main purpose is to use bright red costumes to bring out the mood of the heroine as a newlywed. The interior is mainly white, showing the introverted shyness of a bride.

            My performance moves as far as possible with dance moves and emotional expression to make a perfect match, to show some of the protagonist’s feelings such as beauty, shyness, and joy. I hope to express some of the image characteristics and emotions in the plot I want to express through these.

            The whole dance is mainly based on "Orchid Palm", which is also one of the major elements in Chinese Traditional Dance. I started the dance by looking up to the sky, showing the situation in which the hostess's father began to express emotion in life in the plot. In my dance, I used the step of "Empress walking" many times, in order to present the artistic conception of the heroine's beautiful posture. Most of the movements focus on some elements of Chinese Traditional Dance, mainly in the form of "lifting", "pressing", "supporting", "upwarding", etc., in order to present the uniqueness of traditional dance. In the end, I ended my dance performance with the action of "cross-legged downwind flag", hoping to let everyone enjoy the beauty of Chinese Traditional Dance.

            Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to appreciate Dr Foo. Thanks for preparing such a meaningful assignment. I myself have always been very interested in dance. I have been exposed to dance since secondary school, but most of them are modern dance, and traditional dance is rare. Through this assignment, I have a deeper understanding about Chinese Traditional Dance. During the preparation of this dance, I faced many challenges. Fortunately, I successfully broke through myself and completed the performance. Not only that, after meticulously preparing for this assignment, I became more interested in traditional dance than ever before. If I have the opportunity in the future, I would like to learn more traditional dance and hope I can have an inheritance in this beautiful Chinese art.


  1. 爱慧同学,你好!你的舞蹈十分好看,且在编舞中尝试将一些情景或情感透过舞蹈动作,将其表现出来,对此我十分倾佩。在我看来,你有些动作的一气呵成,形成这支舞蹈的耀眼点;一些动作融合中国古典舞的元素,不仅舞姿优美,也呈现出中国古典舞的魅力。你的结尾动作,更是令我印象深刻!

  2. 爱慧你好,你的表演非常丰富,动听的音乐、优美的舞姿加上有山有水,真的是让我印象深刻以及感受到中国古典舞的美。我感受到你的舞蹈功底扎实,举手投足都是风韵,每一个舞蹈动作和歌曲都互相呼应,有表达出剧情中主角的一些形象特征和情感,反反复复的回放也不会厌烦,每次都觉得叹为观止。

  3. 爱慧你好,从你的舞蹈表演可以看出你的才华横溢,舞态生风。春风吹动了你的裙摆,也吹动了我的心弦,令我的眼神无法离开你的表演。整个表演充满了中国古典舞动作应有的元素即刚柔并和,动作与歌曲的结合更是将舞蹈表演发挥得极致,呈现了爱慧倾国倾城的美貌。

  4. 爱慧你好,看过了你的表演后我觉得有种惊艳的感觉。爱慧的舞蹈与其肢体动作刚柔并济,让整个舞蹈更加有魅力。此外,再加上户外拍摄的场景与歌曲十分契合,户外的风也慢慢地与你的舞蹈融合,为你舞蹈加分。谢谢

  5. 爱慧你好,当我观赏完你所呈现的古典舞蹈,我的第一感觉就是你的整体舞蹈都体现出了古典舞的柔美,古典舞所强调的声韵你也都有体现出来。在此,我也看见了你的舞蹈的功底,同时在鉴赏里你对歌曲详细的讲解也让我看见你所编排的舞蹈动作都是与背景音乐的内容相非常契合,也都是以古典舞中的重要元素“兰花掌”为主的,可见也是花费了不少的功夫。谢谢你的分享确实让我感受到古典舞的优美之处。

  6. 爱慧同学,你好。你的表演非常有特色,舞蹈、音乐、意境都完美融合,是一支有共鸣和灵魂的舞蹈!你所有的动作都恰到好处,看似无比轻柔,实则需要相当的力量控制,柔中带刚,刚中带柔,两者并济,清冽飒爽,舞姿干净利落。我很喜欢你在歌词“待嫁的年华”时“娘娘走路”的舞蹈动作,搭配你含蓄的笑,仿佛真的好像一个满心欢喜要出嫁的少女一样,情感舞姿相呼应,充满期望,活泼又含蓄,实在是太美了!你的最后一个动作“盘腿顺风旗”简直是点睛之笔,完全不突兀,反而很好地展现出古典舞的魅力,尤其是抬腿的那一刹那,优美绝伦,深感艺术之美。

  7. 爱慧同学你好。在同学的律动中,我竟品出了一丝禅意。同学的一颦一笑、一舞一动、一跳一跃中,既奔放,又含蓄;既世俗,又文雅;既入世,又出世。“一步一莲花祈祷”时的一步一行,仿佛蜻蜓点水般,踩在了清空安宁之上。从容不迫的舞姿、颇具禅意的歌词、飘逸流畅的旋律、清雅从容的吟唱一一相融,将我从忙碌漂泊、执着迷茫中唤醒。谨以网上所摘抄的语录赠予同学:“舞蹈是人体的书法,流动的绘画,视觉的音乐,无言的诗歌。”


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