





书法介绍Introduction Of Calligraphy


Calligraphy is a cultural system that has gradually formed after a gradual development stage. It has its own long and strong tradition and is one of the Four Arts of the Chinese Scholar (Zither, Go, Calligraphy, Painting). In the calligraphy fonts, I chose a regular script. The regular script also known as Zhenshu, Zhengshu and Jinli, which is gradually formed based on the clerical script and cursive script. Calligraphy is written using Chinese characters with pen, ink, paper, inkstone, etc. as the main tools and materials. With the continuous changes in the structure of Chinese characters, calligraphy has not only undergone endless visual changes but also formed a rich variety of calligraphic lines through special writing tools, which in turn allows Chinese calligraphy to leap from the formal level to the spiritual level.





In this regular script calligraphy, I copied Liu Gongquan’s "Mysterious Tower Stele", also known as "Dada Master Mysterious Tower Stele". It narrates the benevolence and experience of Master Dada in the Dzong, Shunzong and Xianzong dynasties to commemorate Master Dada's deeds and inform future generations. At this time, Liu Gongquan has completely formed his own "Liu style" style. He mainly uses square brushes. The start and turn are clean and clear, the centre is tightened, the four sides are stretched and the bones and muscles are strong. Through the Liu style classic "Mysterious Pagoda Stele", the structure of the Chinese characters on the willow style tablet is precise and compact, introverted and outstretched, and the shape is square. Its body is neat and handsome, precise and firm with firm hands. The centre is tightened, mostly tight on the left and loose on the right, but the whole body is uniform. His brushwork is sharp, bones and muscles are exposed, masculine, handwriting like a knife, the thickness of the strokes varies widely and the style is distinctive. "Mysterious Tower Stele" is a milestone in Liu Gongquan's calligraphy creation career, marking the full maturity of "Liu style" calligraphy. It has always been used as an authentic model for beginners and has a profound impact on later generations.

          Through the subject of Chinese art, the reason why I chose calligraphy is that practising calligraphy not only cultivates temperament but also improves our patience. As the saying goes, haste is not fast. Learning calligraphy is not an easy task and it can't be accomplished overnight. It takes time to settle and quench to write a good character. At first, during the calligraphy practice, I was a little impetuous and discouraged because I couldn’t write good words, but then all the negative emotions were wiped out in the process of practising Liu Ti’s stroke order. Maybe calligraphy does not require a large range of movements like other arts, but it is also a very accomplished thing to be able to concentrate on the strokes and structure of the font during the calligraphy process, especially the completion of the entire copy of the font. The handwriting is even more overjoyed. It may also be that writing brush calligraphy is a kind of technical work of "raising your hand without returning". Its strokes are very delicate to one's brushwork and one's mood can be directly reflected from the surface of the font, so calligraphy is indeed a Chinese art that tempers temperament and self-cultivation. I am very fortunate and grateful to choose this art because during the calligraphy practice time, it allowed me to improve my artistic sentiment and also to exaggerate and expand my cultural knowledge, integrate Chinese calligraphy art into daily life and pass it on.


  1. 婉雯你好!通过你的临摹看出了书法的确可以陶冶自己的情操更能磨炼我们的耐心,书法需要的是耐心和持久的坚持,因此在练习书法的同时,可以修心养性,这对于提高自己的素养,很有帮助。有人说“字如其人”,我想可能指的就是这个方面的意思.。

  2. 婉雯同学,你好!谢谢你的分享,使我认识到柳公权的“柳体”风格。无论是从你的讲解或你所写的柳体示范,可以看出你对柳公权的《玄秘塔碑》有着一定的理解及明白,才能如此熟练。我同意你所说的“在练字期间难免会因为写不出好字而有些浮躁、气馁,但后来所有负面情绪都在练习过程中被消磨殆尽”。或许这也是书法的魅力所在。透过书法,将自身当下的理解或情感融入其中,借由字体表面将其宣泄,如你所言“挥笔寄情心照宣”!

  3. 婉雯同学你好。我对书法的了解不深,也感谢你的分享让我认识了“柳体”书法。从你的分享中,我了解了《大达法师玄秘塔碑》从中的故事。就如同学所说的,练字过程中能聚精会神地练习字体的笔画、结构等也是一件很有成就的事情。我非常认同,在你临摹的《大达法师玄秘塔碑》中呢,你非常的用心及一笔一划地写出笔画,相信其中肯定付出了很多时间和精力练字。


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