





脸谱介绍(Introduction of Peking opera mask)


     Peking opera mask is a traditional Chinese opera performer’s face painting, where using makeup styling to perform on stage. The show of the peking opera mask is derived from the South North Dynasty of China, where Dynasty Tang’s song and dance flourished in that time and the Peking opera mask also known as the “Da Mian” or “Dai Mian”. King Lanling wear a fierce mask in every battlefield he fought for and always won. Therefore, a single man dance is designed to extol the merits and virtues of King Lanling to describe he was not only brave and good on the battlefield, but also a good-looking man. In addition, the opera performers sketch their face makeup to increase the characteristics of the character to achieve rich stage colors and beautify the stage effects.

鉴赏与心得 Appreciation

红色脸谱 red type of Peking opera mask


The red colour is generally used to express tolerance, loyalty, enthusiasm and so on, most of it is to express the positive role, such as Houyi. The main colour Peking opera mask of Houyi is red. The Peking opera mask of Houyi has the sketching image of the nine sun, which represent that the story about him shot down nine sun.


蓝色脸谱 blue type of Peking opera mask


In Peking opera masks, the meaning of the blue colour and green colour are similar, to describe the character is very strong and straightforward, but sometimes also describe blackness and crafty. The representative figure of the blue facial painting is Dou Er Dun. His eyebrows have a pair of double hooks, which are the weapons that he used in the past.


黑色脸谱 black type of Peking opera mask


The black type of Peking opera mask is generally used to express righteousness, integrity, straightforward and brave, such as Bao Zheng. The facial makeup of Bao Zheng is mainly black tones, showing he is an impartial, incorruptible and integrity person. His forehead has a white crescent to describe he is an upright and clean man.


绿色脸谱 Green type of Peking opera mask


In the Peking opera mask, the green colour implies that the character is brave, reckless and impulsive, such as Cheng Yaojin. In addition, some of the grasshoppers who occupy the mountain as the king also draw green facial painting. Cheng Yaojin has a bold personality and he can lead soldiers to fight when he is sixty-eight years old. He is a well-deserved representative of the green face.


黄色脸谱 yellow type of peking opera mask


In Peking opera masks, the yellow colour implies that characters are brave and good at war or fierce and cruel, so yellow Peking opera mask is generally used for brave and violent characters, such as Dian Wei.  Dian Wei is brave and good at fighting, and his image of cruelty and brutality is remembered, so he is given a yellow face in Peking opera.



In Malaysia, Peking opera mask is very rare to see. The reason I chose to paint the face mask is because it is difficult to have the opportunity to deeply understand the facial painting and its performance. Painting face masks is a big challenge but also a new attempt to me. It takes a lot of time and patience to complete a beautiful face mask. But through this project, I also learned various types of facial masks and their color meanings. In my opinion, not only facial painting but also other Chinese arts are important too and need to be passed on to carry forward the charm of Chinese arts.


  1. 淑凤你好!感谢你的分享,很有意思。从视频中可见每一张脸谱画的都很工整精致。脸谱是中国独有的一种化妆方式,他们通过这种化妆方式来体现出不同的人物性格,而每一种颜色都代表着不同的性格。除了视频中淑凤所提到的红、蓝、黑、黄及绿色,另外也有白色脸谱,代表着性格奸诈狡猾,代表人物是曹操。

  2. 淑凤同学你好,透过你的解说,我认为自己对于京剧脸谱的细节上涨知识了。表面上面具的颜色不同,各有各的鲜艳之处,实质上这些颜色也在隐喻着演员表演的这些角色所拥有的性格特点,这也是京剧脸谱有意思的地方。

  3. 淑凤你好!通过你的视频让我理解到原来不同颜色的脸谱有着不同的含义。在视频中我也发现了画脸谱其实也非常考验我们的耐心你的每一张脸谱都画的非常的漂亮整齐

  4. 淑凤你好!绘画脸谱的过程中,可看得出你的细心让形成的作品也十分精致。在简介里我也了解到脸谱上的颜色各有各自的定义,从中可以分析出人物的个性与特点。

  5. 淑凤同学你好,感谢你的分享。经过你的解说我才知道原来脸谱上的颜色有它不一样的意义所在。最常看到脸谱的地方就是在电视上。脸谱是一种具有中国文化特色的特殊化妆方法。这样的艺术非常特别。有机会的话真想看到真的脸谱。

  6. 淑凤同学你好,非常感谢你为我们展现这门艺术。这门艺术在这里是十分罕见的,在我年幼时,每逢农历七月十五就会有京剧表演现在已经慢慢开始减少了甚至没有看见了。年幼时常随爷爷欣赏京剧,爷爷也曾经叫我分辨脸谱。脸谱可从颜色、五官、符号、整体气质来分辨人物。最关键的是颜色是主色,其次是五官。因为决定每一个人的长相是除了皮肤之外不同的眼睛,不同的眉毛,性格情绪都不一样。第三点是看人物额头的符号,最后才是看整体气质来分辨,五颜六色的脸谱背后其实藏匿着深厚的文化底蕴。从红忠紫孝黑正粉老黄狠灰贪蓝凶绿燥水白奸邪油白狂傲神灵妖魔金银普照这个口诀就可以分辨出脸谱的主要性格,如过要细节化人物的故事与喜好,从脸谱的五官于符号也是隐藏着故事和寓意。更加有趣的是,为何黄脸会被视为凶暴残忍的狠人物,只因中医学上说肝不好的人他的脸色都是偏黄。这个人肝不好必然是肝火旺盛,脾气不好老暴躁了,脸谱的每一处设计的细节都是充满了智慧和玄妙。此外,翁偶虹先生根据两百多年耒的京剧舞台上,众多先辈将京剧脸谱的规律按人物的主要个性特征进行了归纳,更主要的是归入京剧颜色哲学象征,窦尔敦脸谱上有5种颜色,分别象征了仁义礼智信,全脸兰色象征凶勇,与张飞不同。从视频中可以看到同学十分用心去绘画脸谱,每一处的细节都处理得很好也十分用心去完成也解释得十分清晰。我非常希望这一门手艺可以被推广,可以被更多的人知道不能让如此宝贵的文化从此消失。脸谱是一门非常高深的学问,里面带有历史、文化、智慧、哲学,非常值得我们去考究去发现他的美。

  7. 淑凤同学你好,观看你画脸谱的过程给我一种十分治愈的感觉,非常的流畅舒服。我也是第一次知道原来脸谱的每种颜色是有他的象征意义所在而不是我们可以随心所欲的去涂画。同时,我突然感悟到每个人的生命或者都有专属于自己的一张脸谱,与别人不一样,若我们为自己画上一张脸谱,又会是怎样的呈现呢?

  8. 淑凤同学你好。感谢你的分享。透过你的作品,让我更加了解脸谱的知识。我也透过各个面具上的颜色,了解了不同颜色所带出来的寓意以及它代表的性格。


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