





彩墨画介绍Introduction of Chinese watercolours painting

中国画历史久远 ,在其发展过程中逐渐分化出水墨画和彩墨画两种新的画种。彩墨画派——中国画现代画派之一。最初,由上海画家林风眠借鉴西洋绘画色彩的光色,使用中国画宣纸与水墨加色表现自然。彩墨画是以“水墨画”为基底 ,在其上敷色、点彩 ,使画面较之水墨画在色彩上更为丰富、明快、鲜艳。此外,彩墨画还能与工笔画的技法相融合,利用细腻工整的线条展现画的层次感。工笔画亦称细笔画,属中国画技法类别的一种,如宋代的院体画、明代仇英的人物画等就展现了工笔画的特质“有巧妙且精细”。彩墨画派作家有林风眠、吴冠中、何雨春等等。

Chinese painting has a long history, and in the process of its development, it has gradually differentiated into two new types of painting which is ink wash painting and Chinese watercolours painting. Chinese watercolours painting is one of the modern schools of Chinese painting. Originally, the Shanghai artist Lin Feng Mian borrowed the light colours of Western painting, using Chinese painting rice paper and ink to add colour to express nature. Chinese watercolours painting is based on "ink painting", on which colour is applied and spotted, so that the picture is richer and brighter in colour than the ink wash painting.

In addition, Chinese watercolours painting can also be integrated with the technique of Meticulous painting which is using delicate and neat lines to show the layering of the painting. Meticulous painting, also known as fine brush painting, belongs to a category of Chinese painting techniques, such as the courtyard painting of the Song Dynasty and the figure painting of Qiu Ying in the Ming Dynasty, which shows the characteristics of Meticulous  painting as "ingenious and delicate". The artist of Chinese watercolours Painting School include Lin Feng Mian, Wu Guan Zhong, He Yu Chun and so on.

鉴赏与心得 Appreciation



   What attracted me to Lin Feng Mian's “Lady in Blue” was that it perfectly showed the gentle and elegant oriental femininity in the painting. It was not easy to do this painting, and I choose to integrated the Chinese watercolours painting method with Meticulous painting method to present the “Lady in Blue”, and the whole process took me a whole day from composition, white painting to colouring. In the process, if there is an error in the white drawing (ink outline), it is necessary to repeat the composition step, and the colour part also needs to pay attention to the diffusion of the pigment.



   The lotus flowers that painted in ink or Chinese watercolours are look fresh and elegant, this make lotus flower become the favourite painting subjects of many Chinese painters. Similarly, I choose the Meticulous painting method to present this painting, when outlining the lotus flowers, the lines need to be smooth and natural, and when colouring, you need to pay attention to the thickness of the paint. When colouring the petals, I will prepare two brushes, one for colouring and the other one will be soaked with some water to diffuse the pigment.



   Bamboo is a major painting subject for beginners in Chinese painting, and beginners can learn the skills of using the Chinese painting brush from painting bamboo. There is a formula for this painting which is repeat the “pause” and “lift” technique. “Pause” technique is to draws the "joints" of bamboo however “lifts” technique is to draw a straight bamboo body. The bamboo of the ink wash painting also uses intense and light colours to present the layering of the whole painting. The different shades of green make the painting look more bright and vivid.



  Marigolds are characterized by round. When painting the Marigolds, the tip of the Chinese painting brush is dipped in a little amount of ink colour then draw it to the centre. It can also be enriched with different shades of colour. The part of the leaf is to dip the brush with light green pigment then the tip of the pen is dipped in a little amount of dark green pigment, using the method of point pressure to make the leaf show a change from dark to shallow.


  1. 凯云你好!观看你的视频后,我发现彩墨画看似简单却又那么复杂,初步学习就能画的这么好,我觉得已经很厉害了,无论用笔用墨方面都掌握得非常好,深浅着色方面也拿捏得很棒。尤其是那幅仕女图,给我留下深刻的印象,很美!从画中让人感受到了温文儒雅的东方女性特质,又蕴涵现代女性的韵味美,展示出迷人的风采,成为中国画艺术独特的阴柔之美的形象符号。

  2. 凯云你好!中国画非常考验画功以及上色,虽然看着容易,但实际作起来是真的困难,需要耗费时间以及用心地去作出每一幅,所以我非常欣赏会彩画的人。单单看着你的作品照,我就会不自觉地哼起“青花瓷”这首歌~

  3. 凯云同学您好!相较于水彩画,彩墨画更考验绘画者对于颜色、笔刷的掌握、晕染手法、事物形态的诠释等的技巧。您不同的作品带给我不同的视角享受。荷花在颜色上的搭配,不仅让让荷花看起来非常自然且栩栩如生,更让我感受到颜色所带来的层次美。而仕女图在人物的神态方面,诠释出了中国女性得特征,如丹凤眼。不得不说,彩墨画拥有着独特的魅力。

  4. 凯云你好!看了你的视频后我才发现中国画看似简单的完成一副图但它其实非常考验“功夫”(画),(上色)。如你作品中看似简单的竹子却有着一定的难度即顿笔、提笔、淡彩、浓彩看似非常简单但实际操作时一不小心顿笔或提笔不恰当便会毁了一副完美的作品。你作品中让我非常赞赏的地反复是你很好的掌握了这些点让我在你的画中看出了画中的层次感。

  5. 凯云同学,你好!你所画的彩墨画,令我十分佩服。佩服的是你的耐心,完成这几幅作品必定耗费了不少的时间与精力;佩服的是你的学习能力,初步学习便能画得如此地栩栩如生。其中,我最喜欢你的《仕女图》作品。第一眼看到,就觉得十分生动,完全将东方女性独有的特质展现出来。线条的韵味、色彩的层次感,构成一幅好的作品。因此,我由衷欣赏你画画的天份,但更多的是你的努力!

  6. 凯云你好!在你的语录—“提笔顿笔,画工精细;颜料渲染,韵味十足”中,我就能了解到要完成一幅彩墨画并非易事。在你的作品中其画风为自然、高雅而又不奢华,在色彩上较为丰富、明快、鲜亮。

  7. 凯云你好,你的声音动听、清晰、响亮,令我清楚地认识到了彩墨画的画法即采用工笔画的方式来完成一副彩墨画。你的画法娴熟、精细,可见在练习的过程中下足了功夫,方能呈现如此栩栩如生的作品。我最喜欢的凯云利用家中花瓶所画出的菊花图,在画中仅用了点压提笔的方式就将绿叶画得惟妙惟肖、心灵手巧。整幅画给人感觉清逸、飘然,不禁令人想起了诗人陶渊明对菊花的热爱。

  8. 凯云同学你好。我非常喜欢你画的《荷花》和《菊花》。特别是《荷花》花瓣的颜色渲染,我觉得你的画法和使用的颜色非常贴合荷花原本的样貌,也相信你为了完成这些画下了不少功夫。

  9. 凯云你好,在众多水墨画中,只有你选择了难度较高的彩墨画,可想而知你一定在这次的作品中花了非常多的时间与精力吧。从作品中,我可以看到彩墨画里的色彩是非常有层次感的,比如说你的竹林彩墨画会使用深色和浅色来渲染以带出亦近亦远不同距离的竹子,为画作带来更多视觉上的享受。除此之外,你还根据自己观察到的事物进行了创新,并使用彩墨画的绘画技巧来进行绘画该彩墨画,这是值得让我学习的,希望有机会可以与你再多多交流。

  10. 凯云同学你好。在欣赏《荷花》画作时,我好似站在荷花池旁,翠绿的荷叶衬出荷花的清丽高雅,一幅娴雅、幽丽的自然美景尽收眼帘。同学对于色彩的渲染,笔墨的浓淡掌握得恰到好处,尽管色彩丰富、鲜亮,却不会有喧宾夺主之感。《仕女图》更是令我惊叹连连。人物画之难,选取中国画作为艺术门类者皆知。不仅要掌握人体的基本形体、比例以及人体运动的变化规律,还要塑造和表现人物的形和神。仕女的神情、手部动作、发丝,甚至于服装的褶皱,都隐隐表达出独属东方的婉约、柔美。

  11. 凯云同学你好。你的每幅作品彩墨地选择,颜色地渲染与色彩地轻重都让每一个作品都极具层次感,栩栩如生。在你的作品中,我最为喜欢的是《仕女图》,鹅蛋形的脸庞、纤细的眼睛、淡淡的弯眉和小小的嘴,都被你地巧手活灵活现地勾勒出来。仕女眼睑低垂微微颔首地形态更是呈现了一个文静优雅而又羞涩地仕女。除此之外,加上仕女衣服上浅蓝、深蓝与白色运用更是凸出了人物地层次看,将仕女地身姿灵动地呈现出来。在这副画中,我不止看到了东方女性地外貌之美,也感觉到了从画中散发地温柔恬静地氛围。

  12. 凯云同学,你好。在观赏你的《荷花》画作可见你在勾勒荷花花瓣和荷叶的线条流畅且自然,同时透过绿意盎然的荷叶衬托荷花的清新淡雅,将荷花的“出淤泥而不染,濯清莲布满妖”入画。《仕女图》的画作更是精妙,将仕女的神情风韵画得活灵活现,突出东方独有的千娇百媚,果真是丹青妙手。

  13. 凯云同学你好。我喜欢你的所画的彩墨画,喜欢其中的作品《荷花》,渲染的颜色让作品有了层次感,好似我正在池塘旁欣赏着着美丽的自然景象。我也佩服你在作画中所具备的耐心和时间去完成作品。


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