




扇舞的介绍Introduction of fan dance


Fan dance which also pronouce as SHAN WU originated from traditional witchcraft. When Ancient Korean people worshiped God and prayed for God’s blessing, they would use an old woman and also called a “witch man”. When “witch man” practices witchcraft, they dance with spears and then change to use fans. They usually dance with a fan in the right hand and a bell in the left hand. This is probably the prototype for fan dance.


伞舞的介绍 Introduction of umbrella dance


   Umbrella dance appears in Tang and Song Dynasties. Merchants who returned from Jiang Su and Zhe Jiang were bringing back the Jiang Nan Umbrellas. They were holding umbrellas to show off. Folklore said that using umbrella symbolizes the rich and it was very fashionable. In the early days, one umbrella evolved into two umbrellas and then evolved into three umbrellas again. As a result, the folks incorporated the situation into a dance.


鉴赏与心得 Appreciation








   The dance song that I performed is "A Boat in the Mist and Rain".

For fan dance, the dance actions that I often use are "open", "close" and "turn". "Open fan" and "close fan" are interrelated. The action of "opening the fan" is used as a paving action, and then "retracting the fan" at each node. "Turning the fan" is aimed at returning to the view that the fan is a "circle" to make the fan play its usefulness.

For umbrella dance, I often use "round field" and "turning umbrella" dance actions. The "round field" movement is a necessary action for every umbrella dance because the shape of the umbrella belongs to the circle. The purpose of "turning umbrella" is to match the slow rhythm of the song and bring out its artistic conception.

   I also combine movements such as "small jumps" and "broken steps" to meet the needs and graceful of the overall dance. Moreover, the another purpose is to hope to bring out the beautiful artistic conception of Misty Rain Jiang Nan and the rich emotions of the song and reflect the beauty of the two dances.

Light pink clothing can reveal the tenderness of women. The blue modern Chinese style compact fan reveals an elegant feeling. The orange-coloured umbrella not only brings out the tranquilly in the song but also has a cheerful and youthful feeling. The use of three things seems to be suitable. In my opinion, the props used in the dance and the colour of the clothes worn should not be ignored. Otherwise, it will cause a deficiency in the performance.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Fu for preparing this coursework. It gives me a chance to get in touch with the traditional dances of the Chinese nation and be able to complete a dance independently. I am grateful that I chose to perform the two difference style dances in one song. In my opinion, fan dance may still be prosperous in this era, but umbrella dance is gradually being forgotten due to the lack of professional instructors and strong support from society and the publicity. At the same time, modern dance is popular in society, and few younger generations are willing to touch the classical dance left by the Chinese nation, let alone inherit it. Therefore, this is also one of the reasons that I chose to integrate the two difference dances including in one song.

In the preparation process, I also understood the background source and artistic beauty of fan dance and umbrella dance, which made me feel rewarded. Although i meet certain problems and difficulties during the process of learning dance, but in the end, they were resolved one by one and I have completed my performance successfully. Even if the fly in the ointment, it still a brand new attempt for me and finally I succeeded in breaking through and challenging myself.


  1. 淞伶你好!你的表演实在太美了,舞蹈美,服装美,环境美,歌曲也非常搭配这舞姿,每一个动作都很柔美很轻盈,整体给人感觉非常优雅。感谢你的分享,让我了解了扇舞及伞舞的背景来源及艺术之美。

  2. 淞伶你好!我认为你的表演让我看到两个不一样的你,拿起伞的你温柔儒雅;拿起扇子的你略显俏皮。也许这就是中国古典舞的魅力,在传统服装的飘逸之下,配上烟雨江南意境的曲子的渲染,只能说是绝妙。

  3. 非常精彩的扇舞和伞舞表演!淞伶同学将两者融合,带出了新颖的体验。在舞蹈,服装,扇子和伞色都做了考量,因此符合了整体色调。再配上优美的环境,与充满江南意境的歌曲,完全带出了浓郁的江南风味和情感。

  4. 淞伶同学你好!看了你的视频后,就如你的语录所说的一样—“抚扇翩翩,一伞一情,舞出心扉”,让人赏心悦目。你在一首歌曲里把伞舞和扇舞结合一起,并配合歌词的场景十分独特。

  5. 淞伶同学好。我赞同你说舞蹈所使用的道具及服装的颜色也不容忽视。因为颜色可以带出一个舞蹈的内涵与情感。此外,你所呈现的扇舞和伞舞配上烟雨行舟这首歌完美的带出了小女与烟雨江南的浓郁情感。

  6. 淞伶你好,看了你的演绎后我感觉你怎么那么可爱!淞伶的扇舞因融合了,小跳、碎步等等的动作让整个舞蹈更加生动、灵活。淞伶的演绎也给人一种邻家小女孩的感觉,有种俏皮却不失端庄优雅。

  7. 淞伶同学你好,谢谢你的分享。看了你的表演后我只想说“我可以当你的粉丝吗”哈哈哈~你的表演很精彩,从舞蹈动作、音乐或是服装都精心考量,还一一为我们解释其所带出的寓意,能让我们在一饱眼福的同时也学习到知识,可谓是一举两得。你将扇舞和伞舞融合在一曲音乐里,可是却能演绎出两种不同的感觉,真的让我叹为观止。

  8. 淞伶你好。最让我惊艳的舞蹈动作是音乐一开始你躲在花伞后伸出手的动作,颇有古代女子害羞、俏皮的样子。在你所呈现的舞蹈中,你的眼神里都透露着自信,伞舞加上扇舞、配上这么轻快的歌曲,仿佛真的让人置身于江南美好的景色中欣赏着这么好看的舞蹈。

  9. 淞伶同学你好,谢谢你的分享。从你的舞蹈当中可以看出你将伞舞和扇舞的融合得非常不错,做到了你所说的“抚扇翩翩,一伞一情,舞出心扉”,带出曲子优美的烟雨江南意境及其浓郁的情感。

  10. 淞伶同学你好,非常感谢你带来如此精彩的表演。以容颜如玉,身姿如松都不为过。你翩翩起舞,我梦回江南。如此舞姿只叹演奏时间太短让人意犹未尽。这一只惊艳我的一舞,佳人举伞登场,四周的花儿都失了颜色。我提笔句句颤抖,下笔又不知如何形容佳人,恨不得用尽世间美好的词来形容佳人天姿。无论从服饰、道具、舞步、景色、音乐、拍子都是万里挑一。古风舞之美被展现的淋漓尽致,让人惊叹不已!

  11. 淞伶同学你好,感谢你对于扇子舞以及花伞舞的分享!你的表演非常地吸引我。你把扇与伞运用在了你的古典舞呈现中,再搭配如此轻松愉快的《烟雨行舟》,我真的有种身处在高山流水的大自然环境中。你把扇与伞很好地融合到这首歌曲里,再搭配上你曼妙的舞姿以及轻盈的步伐,感觉就是有一种小女孩羞涩出街的样子,真的非常精彩绝伦。我决定以后有机会我也要尝试这两种舞蹈。

  12. 淞伶同学你好。你的舞蹈温柔优雅又不失俏皮可爱,我的目光被你的舞姿深深吸引。你的舞蹈让我觉得有种邻家女孩的感觉,时而温柔,时而可爱。扇和伞的结合,配合着《烟雨行舟》,真的太适合了。其中“转伞”的动作可谓是转入了我的心里,真的太美了。很感谢你的分享让我了解到一段好的舞蹈不仅要对动作有要求,服装的颜色选择、道具的使用都将影响舞蹈的完成度。

  13. 淞伶同学,你好。谢谢你精彩演绎的《烟雨行舟》,非常之惊艳,赏得如痴如醉。舞中的你翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙,轻盈曼舞。人景乐相应,扇舞与伞舞巧妙地融合,执扇灵动俏皮,执伞温婉文雅,尽展温柔娴静,梦回江南烟水之地。细看每一帧舞姿都诉说着柔软的肢体语言,散发着由内而外的独特气质,其中所舞的“转扇”可谓是行云流水,精妙绝伦,乃倘入心间的一道江南烟雨韵味浓厚的扇舞,即是美的真实,美得如幻。

  14. 淞伶同学你好。你那活泼、轻快的舞姿,真的恰似古时江南女子婀娜多姿、窈窕可爱的身影。可爱的人儿、曼妙的舞姿、轻松的音乐和充满自然风情的背景融为一体,仿佛是一幅由古流传至今的江南美景,“垆边人似月,皓腕凝霜雪”的江南女子在“千里莺啼绿映红,水村山郭酒旗风”的风光下翩然起舞,何人“能不忆江南”。


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